April 2007 • Volume 18, NO. 4
Attacks continue, and war is afoot. Many Israelis, angry at their government for failing to protect them, fear for the future of their nation. This is an opportunity for Israelis to face a vital truth.
The search for truth leaves some scientists in the cold.
China shatters a satellite—and a lot more.
Global economic cooperation has a dark side.
Dark clouds are converging over America’s economy. Here are three scenarios on how they could develop into a serious storm that could hit you.
Sage biblical advice for making your marriage stick
People are using the Internet to improve their lives. Well—their fantasy lives, anyway.
In his book Raising the Ruins, now available in bookstores, Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry exposes the reality of what happened to the Worldwide Church of God. Here is the seventh chapter.