November-December 2007 • Volume 18, NO. 10
Several powers seek to extend into this underdeveloped continent, especially in the territory they ruled in colonial days. Africa, it seems, is again up for grabs.
Turkey’s increasing significance is arresting the world’s attention. Here’s why it should arrest yours.
A political movement could boost Japan’s relations with its Asian neighbors—and evaporate its alliance with America.
Russia’s president has revealed his intent to hold power beyond his legally prescribed limit. Few are surprised—and no one can stop him.
How greed almost triggered a global financial collapse— and why we can expect the fallout to continue.
Food shortages are about to become a reality—and it’s our own fault.
The data and the real-life proof is in: Fathers make a huge difference.
History shows how easy it is to ignore danger.
Some heart-to-heart advice for fathers
In his book Raising the Ruins, now available in bookstores, Trumpet executive editor Stephen Flurry exposes the reality of what happened to the Worldwide Church of God. Here is part two of the 12th chapter.