Key of David

Syria’s WMD – A Sign for Us

The Syrian leader, Bashar Al Assad, has used chemical weapons on his own people. The U.S. has already sent four warships over there and one submarine, preparing for a possible attack. Syria’s use of WMD is a two-fold sign of the worst news and best news mankind has ever heard!

Offered on this program

It has often been said that those who fail to learn from history are destined to repeat it. In this concise, hard-hitting booklet about Gen. Douglas MacArthur and World War II, lessons abound. But have we learned from those lessons?

You don’t have to believe it! It will happen, regardless. It is sure—the world’s only sure hope. This advance good news of tomorrow is as certain as the rising of tomorrow’s sun. Humanity won’t bring it about—it is going to be done to us. Humanity is going to be forced to be happy—to enjoy world peace—to see universal abundance and joy fill the Earth.

The Worldwide Church of God leader said it was his “Christian duty” to keep Herbert W. Armstrong’s writings out of print. But the Philadelphia Church of God now owns the copyrights to 19 books and booklets written by Mr. Armstrong. That is the magnificent court victory we have won.
God’s Work has been revived—as prophesied!
God gave us the victory even though the appeals court ruled against us! It is the most miraculous event since the Philadelphia Church began. Habakkuk prophesied that it would be a double-wonder miracle.
God’s message to the world could not have been delivered had we lost. The court battle tested the faith of God’s people. Most of them have failed that test. Conversely, the miraculous victory revealed who believes God enough to fight for and deliver His end-time message!

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God’s truth is simple. The greatest deception threatening true Christians in this end time is vain intellectualism. Understand how to combat the deadly weapon of worldly philosophy.

The late founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, is considered the greatest CEO of all time. So much of his success came from being a perfectionist. Discover God’s purpose for you: to become a spiritual perfectionist.

The story of Jonah and the great fish is dismissed by Bible scholars as a myth. But this miracle of a man surviving three days in the belly of a sea creature is a vital part of your Bible! Discover how Jonah is a sign of the Messiah—and a strong warning to God’s rebellious people in this end time.

Your Bible foretells the imminent breakaway of Syria from Iran and Russia. Prove where and when Syria will seek a new alliance—and how the whole world will be rocked by this dramatic shift in geopolitics.

Iran rules the Middle East today. But something dramatic is happening in the region: the war-torn nation of Syria is slipping out of the grasp of Iran and Russia. Understand how Syria is moving closer to Germany—and how this shift is leading to world war.

Though most of the world is unaware, two world powers are fighting for the Mediterranean Sea. Understand what your Bible says about this strategic struggle between mighty kings.