Meet the Radical Communists That Almost Took Over Britain
Once again a British election has shocked the world.
The June 8 snap election was announced by British Prime Minister Theresa May on April 18. Her Conservative Party had a working majority of just seven seats. At the time of the announcement, polls indicated the Conservatives were even more popular than they had been when they were elected, and predicted that if elections were held again, her party would win in a landslide. So May chose to hold elections again.
Part of the reason the Conservatives were thought to be so popular was attributed to the radical views of their opposition. In 2017, the Labour Party is so extreme in its views that it seemed unimaginable that Britons would vote them anywhere near power.
But on June 8, just two months later, British voters handed Labour 32 more seats than it won in the 2015 general election, and May’s party lost its majority and is only able to remain in power with the support of the Democratic Unionist Party (dup).
This means that as extreme as Labour’s socialist views once were, they are now mainstream. Under the leadership of Jeremy Corbyn, the Labour Party just won 40 percent of the vote, its biggest share of the vote since Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 2001. And Blair’s Labour Party was downright conservative compared to Corbyn’s.
Let’s look at the views of Jeremy Corbyn, his supporters and the manifesto they stood on—the manifesto that came within a whisker of governing the country.
A quick glance over the resumés of Labour’s top leaders reveals some dangerous commonalities. Whether it is running an organization that believes Britain is “no less sociopathic” than the Islamic State or believing that “the British invented racism,” all of them have a deep-seated hatred of the West and what it stands for.
All of them also support Britain’s enemies. Corbyn, especially, has reached out to radical Muslim terrorist groups and has literally been in the pay of Iran, the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism. All supported the Irish Republican Army (ira)—terrorists who have attacked and murdered British citizens and even members of the royal family and tried to murder members of the government.
These dangerous views are actually popular in Britain in the 21st century!
Name: Jeremy Corbyn
Job Title: Leader of the Labour Party
Work History
2009–2012: Guest on Iranian television. Was paid £20,000 (us$25,570) for five tv appearances on Iran’s propaganda channel Presstv. Presstv is now banned in the UK because of its involvement in Iranian government torture. The Iranian government beat and tortured a Newsweek journalist, and Presstv broadcast the results.
2011–2015: Chairman of the Stop the War Coalition. During Mr. Corbyn’s tenure, this group wrote that “the United States, Britain and their allies are no less sociopathic” than the Islamic State. However, they supported Russia’s invasions of Georgia and Crimea and have refused to condemn Syrian President Bashar Assad.
Known Associates
1984: Invited the leader of the ira’s political wing to the House of Commons, as well as convicted ira terrorists. This came just weeks after the ira attempted to blow up then Prime Minister Margret Thatcher’s government.
1988: Was an honored speaker at a commemoration event for dead ira members and “soldiers of the ira.” The event’s official program stated, “Force of arms is the only method capable of bringing about a free and united socialist Ireland.” This came just three weeks after the ira murdered three British servicemen in the Netherlands.
2002: Spoke at a rally held by the terrorist group al-Muhajiroun, which is now banned. Its members include at least one of the terrorists who rammed a van into crowds of people along London Bridge on June 3 and then jumped out and began stabbing people to death. At that rally, some members of the crowd dressed as suicide bombers. Slogans displayed in the crowd included: “Skud, skud Israel” and “Gas, gas Tel Aviv.”
2009: Invited his “friends in Hamas” and “friends in Hezbollah,” as he called them, to Parliament.
2014: Attended a wreath-laying ceremony for Palestinian Liberation Organization (plo) terrorists. One of these men was involved in the 1972 Olympic massacre, where 11 Israeli athletes were taken hostage and later murdered.
2014: Was part of a group welcoming Abdallah Djaballah to Finsbury Park Mosque. Djaballah is an imam who calls on his followers to “wage holy Muslim war” against the United Kingdom and the United States. Mr. Corbyn has been a longtime friend of the mosque—now infamous as a haven for Islamists who encourage terrorism.
Notable Quotes
1987: “I’m happy to commemorate all those who died fighting for an independent Ireland”—on observing a minute of silence to honor ira terrorists who had been shot dead while they were on their way to attack a police station.
2015: Called Osama bin Laden’s death a “tragedy.”
Other Notable Events
1991: Seconded a piece of legislation in Parliament that would have abolished the monarchy.
2015: Refused to sing the national anthem “God Save the Queen” at a memorial event for those who died in the Battle of Britain
Police Record
Both Britain’s MI5 and the Metropolitan’s Police Special Branch kept a file on Corbyn, fearing that he might be a threat to the country. An unnamed Special Branch official told the Telegraph that the police monitored him for 20 years as he was “deemed to be a subversive.” The Special Branch defines someone as subversive if they are involved in “activities intended to undermine or overthrow parliamentary democracy by political, industrial or violent means.”
“You cannot have a Special Branch file just randomly; the commander had to have evidence that they were satisfied with,” the official told the Telegraph.
Name: John McDonnell
Job Title: Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer. Essentially Mr. Corbyn’s number two, and the Labour Party’s head of economic policy.
Notable Quotes
2011: “I don’t want to just bring down the government anymore. I want to destroy the system.”
2013: “I’m honest with people. I am a Marxist ….”
“Parliamentary democracy doesn’t work for us. Elections aren’t working for us.” Instead, the country needs “what we used to call insurrection; now we’re polite and say its direct action. Let’s get back to calling it what it is. It’s insurrection. We want to bring this government down by whatever means we can.”
Name: Diane Abbott
Job Title: Shadow Home Secretary. The home secretary is generally regarded as the third-most powerful person in the British government and is in charge of both police and justice system. Diane Abbott is in charge of Labour policy on these issues.
Notable Quotes
1984: “Ireland is our struggle—every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us.”
1985: On describing her time working at the Home Office as a graduate trainee 10 years ago: “I thought it could be transformed from within. I was wrong. I was just one token black person in a fundamentally racist institution.” She also said, “I am an extremist.”
1988: Britain is “one of the most racist” nations. “The British invented racism.”
2008: “Some people would judge that on balance Mao [Zedong] did more good than harm. … He led his country from feudalism, he helped to defeat the Japanese and he … left his country on the verge of the great economic success they are having now.”
2012: “White people love playing ‘divide and rule.’ We should not play their game.”
A Communist Manifesto
It would be easy to continue with more minor officials who worked for the Irish terrorists or who think Stalin was an OK guy, for example. But the patterns are clear. Britain nearly elected a leader who won’t sing his own country’s national anthem. It nearly handed its economy to a man who wants to smash Britain’s financial system. It nearly handed its police and justice system over to someone who thinks the greatest mass murderer in history, in terms of numbers, was not all that bad.
But perhaps British voters were ignorant of all this. After all, in the election campaign, John McDonnell told an interviewer that he was not a Marxist, and Corbyn said he “had never met the ira.” People with no memory may have believed these patent lies.
However, the campaign promises these men wrote into their manifesto made their radicalism clear.
The manifesto is about high taxation, high spending and even higher borrowing. Labour planned to raise almost £50 billion ($64 billion) in extra taxation. The government would take over running the railways, water system, electric system, mail system and more. Labour would spend £35 billion on infrastructure, £6 billion on the National Health Service and £5 billion for schools.
The tax increases they would impose would not come close to covering these expenditures. Even if Labour’s taxes somehow brought in every last pound that the party claims they would, and did not simultaneously cripple Britain’s economy, the government would still need to borrow tens of billions more.
Telegraph assistant editor Jeremy Warner wrote, “Jeremy Corbyn proposes himself as a kind of Hugo Chávez on steroids; he promises an economic ruin so great it would make the 1970s look like a golden age of British prosperity.”
“This is a whole new order of magnitude: It’s the kind of spending that you would only expect during an existential crisis like a war,” said Julian Jessop, chief economist at the Institute of Economic Affairs think tank. “This is a massive increase in spending and a massive increase in tax and borrowing to [go] with it.”
“They are getting involved in almost every aspect of life,” he said. “It’s like they are trying to reverse all the postwar liberalizations in one go. It’s unprecedented.”
Britain is already drowning in debt. Its debt, as a percentage of its economy, is at its highest level since 1966, back when it was still paying off debts from the worst existential crisis in its history, World War ii.
In 2010, the outgoing Labour chief secretary to the Treasury famously left a note to his Conservative successor: “I’m afraid there is no money.” Since then, Britain’s debt has grown every year. The Conservative government promised to balance the budget, to stop borrowing. It failed.
Yet millions of British voters want the party that promises them even more borrowing—much more. They supported a manifesto that would put Britain on the road to becoming a bankrupt, Communist country.
What’s Next?
Britons may have voted for Corbyn’s radical agenda in droves, but what does this mean, practically? After all, Jeremy Corbyn is not the prime minister—yet.
Before the election, Mr. Corbyn’s politics were considered so extreme that many even in his own party were against him. Now, he has proved that these policies can actually be a vote winner. And the moderates in the Labour Party are changing course. They are getting behind the radical agenda!
Lord Peter Mandelson is one of the most significant figures on the right wing of the Labour Party. He was one of Prime Minister Blair’s closest supporters. Earlier this year, he said, “I work every single day” to bring down Jeremy Corbyn. After the election, he said he was wrong about Mr. Corbyn.
Owen Smith is still a left-wing figure within the Labour Party. But in 2016, he tried to push Jeremy Corbyn out of the leadership, considering him too extreme to succeed. Now he says, “I was clearly wrong.”
“I don’t know what Jeremy’s got but if we could bottle it and drink it we’d all be doing very well,” he said.
That’s not to say the Labour Party is now 100 percent behind Corbyn. But what was once extreme is now a viable election strategy!
At the same time, the next election may not be far off. With her tiny majority—and even then only with the support of another party—it will be very hard for Theresa May to govern effectively. “The normal pattern is for the minority government to limp along for a short period and then collapse, forcing the country back to the polls,” wrote the Economist.
The dup and the Conservatives are much more closely aligned ideologically than other parties that have tried to work together in the past, and David Cameron held his coalition together despite widespread skepticism, so collapse is not a given. But elections are still a real possibility even in the near future. Could this be only the start of the march of the radical left in Britain?
How to Make Britain ‘Great Again’
Britain has a Communist Party. But this year, it decided not to stand for election and instead directed its supporters to vote for Corbyn’s Labour Party. This is the first time in the Communist Party’s nearly 100-year history that it has ever done something like this.
That makes clear what just happened here. Britain just came close to a Communist takeover. But that takeover may have merely been postponed. Right now, 40 percent of Britons are in favor of it.
Earlier this year, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry published an updated version of his booklet Great Again. It exposes the alarming truth behind the stunning rise of the radical left in the United States.
This latest election proves that many of those trends are just as prevalent in the United Kingdom.
“What do you know about communism?” he asks in that booklet. “A growing number of Americans support the government taking over health care and other major segments of the national economy. They fail to understand the dangers that accompany a Communist system.” Nothing could be truer of the UK, when nearly half the country just voted for a Communist government.
“Modern proponents of communism downplay its subversive goals,” he writes. “But subversion is its very foundation!” In private, men like John McDonnell don’t even bother downplaying those “subversive goals.”
“The crisis facing this nation is not because of a bad president!” Mr. Flurry writes. “The cause is far deeper.” This election proves that there are similarly deep, deep problems in Britain as well. The hard truth is, those deep problems aren’t just with politicians, they are with voters—with us. Mr. Flurry writes that America’s political leadership “speaks volumes about our people. We get the leaders we deserve. Especially in a democratic republic, we the people must accept the blame for the problems!”
When out-and-out Communists win 40 percent of the vote, we British have to take a good, hard look at ourselves. When a nation mired in debt almost votes for “the kind of spending that you would only expect during an existential crisis like a war,” that indicates there is something appallingly wrong with the entire educational system.
Something is wrong with the thinking of ordinary British voters! Something is wrong with us!
In Great Again, Mr. Flurry explains where the real blame for America’s predicament lies: “God blames the people for their sins, not the leaders!” To blame Britain’s problems on sin might sound old-fashioned. But it is only as Britain has gotten further and further away from even a basic understanding of the Bible and biblical morality that these kinds of extreme politicians have flourished.
But there is another dimension behind this shift to the radical left in Britain. Mr. Flurry writes, “There is a spiritual dimension to America’s decline that most people do not see.” That is true of Britain’s decline as well. To learn more about that spiritual dimension, read Great Again. The rise of the radical left it describes is dangerous, and yesterday’s election proves this is not just an American phenomenon.
Understanding this spiritual dimension exposes the true solution. “America, the British peoples (including Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa) and the Jewish nation are facing horrendous problems,” writes Mr. Flurry. “Only God can save these nations.”