By Gerald Flurry • January 19, 2018
Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War ii, but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy that Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrection of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?
What has happened in former Yugoslavia over the past several years reaches far beyond the boundaries of that region. It is so shocking that the nations of this world would be paralyzed with fear if they truly understood! Shamefully, America is its chief architect.
The biblical psalms of King David provide wise counsel on how to live a godly life. Understand the psalms of David—and how to convert these inspiring words into life-changing action.
Psalm 22 might be the greatest psalm ever written by King David. God gave David unique insight into the crucifixion of Jesus Christ about a thousand years before it actually happened. Understand the astonishing depth of God’s love as revealed in Psalm 22.
Germany has risen from the ashes of World War II to dominate Europe. But to resurrect the Holy Roman Empire and become a real global superpower, Germany needs a strong leader—a new Charlemagne. Prove that Germany is now seeking a new Charlemagne that will provoke world war.
Lamentations is the most corrective book in the Bible. But this sobering message is also filled with hope. Discover the dazzling hope of Lamentations.
The Lost Century of God’s one true Church occurred from 70-170 A.D. The Apostle John is the only one to record this crucial history.
Israel was on the verge of permanently obliterating Hamas—until the United States intervened to save the terrorists from destruction. Understand how President Donald Trump betrayed Israel and caused the Jews to lose the war.
California has just suffered its worst fire ever. Why? Some are blaming climate change—but your Bible pinpoints a very different culprit. Understand the unseen spiritual cause of the many California ‘natural’ disasters.
The life and work of Herbert W. Armstrong provide a vivid testament of his deep faith in God.