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Iranian Politician: U.S. and Iran Want an ‘Unwritten’ Nuclear Deal

Iranian Politician: U.S. and Iran Want an ‘Unwritten’ Nuclear Deal

If confirmed, the new nuclear deal is worse than we could have imagined.

Since Joe Biden entered the White House, he has worked hard to get a diplomatic reset with Iran. The biggest demonstration of this is his push for a new Iranian nuclear deal.

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry called the original 2016 nuclear deal “the worst foreign-policy blunder in American history.” For our June 2022 print issue, we wrote: “Shockingly, there is nothing substantially ‘new’ about this new deal. Those who have followed the negotiations are feeling a sickening sense of déjà vu. In fact, this may prove to be the new ‘worst foreign-policy blunder in American history.’” But as hyperbolic as sentences like that are, as of June 2023, it looks like the new Iran nuclear deal is even worse than most could have imagined.

I used the present tense in that last sentence deliberately. Evidence suggests a new deal has almost been reached. Haven’t heard of it before? As far as the White House is concerned, that’s a good thing because publicity could torpedo the deal.

Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, who used to lead the Foreign Policy and National Security Committee in Iran’s parliament, told Iranian media the United States and Iran are close to an “unwritten deal.” Iran International translated Falahatpisheh’s comments June 12:

This means that the American side will no longer enforce the “maximum pressure” policy [of President Donald Trump], close its eyes to some of Iran’s energy deals, and [allow] the release of Iran’s frozen funds in return for Iran refraining from expanding its nuclear program more than the current level.

Falahatpisheh claimed neither side wants a return to the 2016 nuclear deal. For Iran, returning to the old deal would mean it would have to give up its stockpile of 60-percent enriched uranium plus its newer centrifuges. He also claimed the U.S. is afraid of public backlash if a deal is made official.

If Falahatpisheh’s words are to be taken at face value, the U.S. is willing to give Iran a secret, under-the-table deal. Only this “deal” is not a deal. All Iran is offering is a promise never to enrich its uranium to weapons grade. Weapons grade is 90 percent. Iran this year reached 84 percent enrichment. Even the 60 percent, which it has been stockpiling for several years now, has no known civilian application. Iran is the only state without nuclear weapons to enrich uranium to such levels.

Anybody should be able to see Iran’s promises are completely empty.

The U.S. isn’t offering much either. Earlier this year, Biden waived sanctions, allowing Russia to cooperate with Iran’s nuclear program. America has already made clear it wants to drop its Iranian nuclear sanctions.

The unwritten deal means Iran can keep doing what it’s doing, and America won’t get in the way. All Iran has to do is give its word that it would never develop nuclear weapons. America knows Iran’s word is worthless. What the deal actually means is: America has agreed for Iran to have a bomb, as long as the rest of the world doesn’t find out.

It’s not only the parliamentarian’s comments that suggest an unwritten deal is in the works. The U.S. is making some interesting sanctions decisions.

The U.S. waived sanctions on Iraq on June 8, allowing Iraq to pay about $2.76 billion to Iran in energy debts. South Korea is also holding about $7 billion-worth of assets that the U.S. is trying to get unfrozen. Anonymous sources who spoke to the Korea Economic Daily said the conditions for the release include spending the money on public expenses like covid-19 vaccines—even as the world finally moves on from public health emergencies and vaccine mandates.

America seems all of the sudden eager to send Iran buckets of money.

Iran has also opened up regarding a possible deal. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani confirmed Iran had indirect talks with the U.S. about a nuclear deal in Oman. Kanaani rejected the idea that there is already an interim deal in place. But on June 11, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he sees “nothing wrong” with a nuclear deal. Khamenei specified “the infrastructure of our nuclear industry should not be touched.”

Sanctions relief and protecting nuclear industry are among the deal caveats Falahatpisheh mentioned. These examples may be circumstantial. But the timing is nevertheless interesting. They may even suggest an informal deal is already in place.

Iran has demonstrated that if it ever gets a nuclear weapon, it has the will to use it. Iran is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. It calls for Israel—another nuclear state—to be “wiped off the map.” Its religious ideology mandates that sowing global chaos brings the return of their “messiah” closer.

The original nuclear deal did nothing to stop Iran from gaining a nuclear bomb. It gave Iran access to billions of dollars through sanctions relief while postponing the time Iran could “legally” enrich uranium to weapons-grade levels. But there was at least some silver lining to the original deal in the form of increased monitoring from the International Atomic Energy Agency and destruction of uranium stocks.

The hinted “informal deal” doesn’t even deliver “benefits” like that. There is no signed document the international community can compare Iran’s actions with. There are no punishment mechanisms to go after Iran for noncompliance. All this “deal” would be is a declaration that Iran could go full-steam ahead with its nuclear program as long as it lets America save face.

It’s one thing for the U.S. to let Iran have the bomb out of incompetence and weakness. But America’s policies go beyond that. The White House could still look the other way to Iran’s nuclear program without giving it billions in sanctions relief. America’s actions suggest the government actively wants Iran to get a nuclear bomb.

The question is, why?

The Trumpet has written extensively on a prophecy in 2 Kings 14: “For the Lord saw the affliction of Israel, that it was very bitter: for there was not any shut up, nor any left, nor any helper for Israel. And the Lord said not that he would blot out the name of Israel from under heaven: but he saved them by the hand of Jeroboam the son of Joash” (verses 26-27).

Trumpet editor in chief Gerald writes in The King of the South:

The Bible shows that anciently, God raised up the kingdom of Israel to represent Him. Satan attacked that nation in every way he could. History shows that at one point, an enemy almost completely destroyed itbut God raised up a flawed human king to temporarily save the nation. … It is important to understand the prophetic principle of duality. History is repeating itself today. Just what is the prophetic name of Israel? In our day, the emphasis is on three physical nations of Israel: America, Britain and the Jewish nation in the Middle East.

Iran’s desire to “wipe Israel off the map” means it wants to “blot out the name of Israel from under heaven.” By giving Iran the means to get a nuclear bomb, America is helping it do that. Iran got help through Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal, and it is still getting help today. Many can see that Joe Biden is not really the man in charge of the U.S. government. Barack Obama still casts a long shadow in Washington, D.C. The news of the current “unwritten deal” means, as Mr. Flurry writes, “President Obama shares the goal to ‘blot out the name of Israel’!”

Find out why by reading the chapter “Obama and the King of the South” in Mr. Flurry’s free booklet The King of the South.

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