Biden to Israel: ‘Don’t’

Joe Biden stopped sending heavy bombs to Israel last week, the AP reported May 8, citing “a senior administration official.” The administration further warned Israel on Wednesday saying that, should it invade Rafah in its attempt to rid the Gaza Strip of Hamas, America would halt weapons shipments to Jerusalem.

Former friendship: When Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, Biden initially appeared to uphold America’s long-standing alliance with Israel. He pledged his full support to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and warned Hamas’s allies against joining the war by simply saying, “Don’t.” Biden began sending weapons to Israel to aid its attempt to blot out its terrorist foes.

Blatant betrayal: But as Israel’s retaliation continued, Biden changed his tune. The target of Biden’s “Don’t” rhetoric is now the Jewish state.

He told Netanyahu, “Don’t make the same mistake we made in America,” equating Israel’s life-or-death struggle against ruthless neighbors with the U.S.’s overseas wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Biden has not held true to what he said following the October 7 attack. At one point, the Biden administration tried to overthrow Netanyahu.

Since his more rhetorical attempts to restrain Netanyahu have failed, Biden may now greatly increase the pressure by halting deliveries of bombs, artillery shells and other weaponry that Israel badly needs to neutralize Hamas.

Prophetic perspective: The Bible prophesies of this betrayal and warns of its terrible consequences. This betrayal will prompt Israel to look elsewhere for help. The nation to which it turns is prophesied to help push the world into a nuclear World War iii that will destroy both Israel and the U.S.

Learn more: Read “As You Watch Gaza—Watch Germany,” by Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry.