Nuclear Proliferation: Will Humanity Survive?

Nuclear Proliferation: Will Humanity Survive?

Not only are nuclear weapons increasing in number and power, so too are madmen willing to use them.

Nuclear weapons are multiplying. Even worse, our world is increasingly ruled by madmen who are eager to use them. The number one problem today is that of human survival—and it is growing by the day.

Yet commentators and journalists rarely discuss this subject. It is clearly the most important issue we could be discussing, yet we ignore it.

Why is that? A big reason is that neither world leaders nor scientists nor religious people have an answer.

But there is an answer.

An Existential Problem

The world spent an estimated $92 billion on nuclear weapons last year, up more than 10 percent from the previous year. This means the world spent about $2,900 per second on nuclear weapons! These numbers are staggering.

Where is this leading? What does it mean to our lives? What kind of a future do our children have?

If just one of these nuclear bombs dropped on a city, it would cause an utter catastrophe and trigger an even more horrific nuclear war. The consequences are hard to fathom. That’s why our media and politicians are constantly preoccupied with nonissues. They are willingly blind to this dangerous reality!

If you look at who is acquiring nuclear weapons today, you would have to agree that there is no issue more important, dangerous and urgent to human survival than this. I tell you, we cannot afford to not discuss this.

Who Has These Weapons?

China is quickly expanding its nuclear stockpile, building an estimated 100 nuclear warheads every year! Its goal is to have a substantially larger and more advanced nuclear arsenal than the United States in the coming two decades, as the Heritage Foundation explained.

That is horrifying! China is ruled by a dictator, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Xi Jinping, who enslaves his own people, commits genocide on an ethnic minority, threatens to invade Taiwan, and provokes neighboring countries. He is even preparing to wage war against the U.S.! Nukes in the hand of this man are a ticking time bomb!

But he isn’t even the greatest danger to world peace.

Russia has more nuclear bombs, is allied with China, and is ruled by an even more ruthless dictator: Russian President Vladimir Putin. As I explain in my booklet The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia,’ the Bible prophesies this man will be responsible for more deaths than any leader in human history! Since I wrote that booklet, Putin has invaded Ukraine and committed many other atrocities. But that is just the beginning. This man is certain to use nuclear weapons!

Russia and China are also allied with North Korea, which is currently ruled by an even more erratic dictator: Kim Jong-un.

North Korea has nuclear weapons and has demonstrated its capacity to use them in a most dangerous way. It has launched intercontinental ballistic missiles that can reach all American cities! Most concerning, as the late Charles Krauthammer wrote in April of 2017, is that “North Korea’s regime is bizarre in the extreme, a hermit kingdom run by a weird, utterly ruthless and highly erratic god-king. You can’t count on Caligula. The regime is savage and cultlike; its people, robotic.”

What will Kim Jung-un do with all those nuclear weapons at his disposal? Some notable experts, like former cia analyst Robert L. Carlin and nuclear scientist Siegfried S. Hecker, think he will go to war. Others disagree, but truly, none of these experts know because of the unpredictable nature of this “erratic god-king”!

China has quite a lot of control over North Korea. But if you look at China’s goals, this isn’t comforting news.

Moreover, Kim Jong-un shares his nuclear power with Iran, the world’s number one terrorist-sponsoring nation. And Iran has a religious leader even more “bizarre in the extreme” than his North Korean counterpart: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei believes a nuclear catastrophe would hasten the coming of his messiah!

Iran’s fanatical regime has repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel from the map and to destroy Europe and the U.S. as well. If left unrestrained, it will most certainly use nuclear weapons once it has enough to achieve its goals.

Iran and North Korea have a worse problem in some ways than any other nation in this world. They are ruled by people who relish the idea of a nuclear war! This is the horrifying world you and I live in.

While it is frightening enough to consider the danger of nuclear weapons in the hands of the madmen, the danger emanating from the heart of Europe should equally concern us.

A lot of the increased nuclear-spending last year was due to expensive upgrades to America’s nuclear weapons stationed in Germany, Italy and others European countries. America will regret this!

Italy and Germany were ruled by madmen in the past century. Revelation 17 shows these madmen were just the sixth head of a dreadful beast that will rise once more. Europe is about to be ruled by 10 kings, or madmen, who believe it will be their right to conquer nations! In fact, Revelation 13 reveals that they will worship the dragon, Satan the devil, and be empowered by him. That is the highest form of insanity!

This is far too big a problem for any man or group of men to solve. It is a horrifying reality that we are heading into the worst suffering ever on this planet!

The only way to face this and solve it is by looking to God. There is a real solution! God gives it to us in the Bible if we’ll just listen to Him and submit to it.

Editing God’s Word

Some people are recognizing that not only nations but humanity itself needs help from a higher power. During a recent crisis, several ministers pointed to answers in a certain passage of the Bible. But they left something out. And what they left out is the reason we cannot solve this number one problem and are ignoring it instead!

“If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:13-14). That is the full, unedited passage from the Bible.

Those ministers who were saying we need to appeal to God for help did quote this part: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face.” They also quoted this part: “then will I hear from heaven, … and will heal their land.” This is what Mike Pence did in his 2016 campaign speeches: He took his vice presidential oath of office on Ronald Reagan’s family Bible, opened to this very verse.

But these leaders, like Pence, intentionally left out “and turn from their wicked ways” and “will forgive their sin”!

Political leaders and even religious leaders avoid this subject, and even when they are quoting this very clear verse that is very relevant to us today, they brazenly leave out the fact that we are sinning and must turn from our wicked ways!

These are the very words we could heed to save not only ourselves and our nation, but our human race—yet even the ministers refuse to speak these words!

With America and the world facing this monstrous problem of human survival itself, the preachers just tell the people to humble themselves and pray: Apparently people will feel good and religious if they do that. But they leave out the most important part: repentance! We are facing catastrophe, and yet, almost like little children would, we hide from it.

That is no way to solve this crisis! Yet it can be solved. That is what this verse says here. God has said in many prophecies that He will save nations, but only if they repent.

The Need for Repentance

Repentance is one of the main messages not only in 2 Chronicles 7 but throughout the Bible. The Old Testament and the New Testament are concerned with turning from sin and overcoming wickedness, not only in others but in ourselves. Yet preachers today won’t even talk about this.

Yes, we must turn from our wicked ways and be forgiven of our sins!

What does it mean to repent of sin? 1 John 3:4 tells us that “sin is the transgression of the law.” That means that God’s law reveals right and wrong, not our own reasoning or laws or anything else. We must repent of breaking God’s law! But the ministers won’t teach that either: They teach instead that Jesus Christ kept the law for us and actually abolished the law. That is not biblical! God expects us to repent of breaking His law and to—with His help—keep His law. That is what it means to turn from our wicked ways.

This is not just some religious teaching. This is the truth of the Bible and the reality that we are now facing.

How a Nation Can Turn It Around

The ancient ancestors of Germany were a people called the Assyrians. The capital of the Assyrian Empire was Nineveh. God sent a prophet to the capital city to warn the Assyrians to turn from their wicked ways. He warned that He would destroy them if they did not repent. The Prophet Jonah eventually delivered that message to them, and lo and behold, they actually did repent! It’s the only time on Earth that any nation has ever done that, and the Assyrians did it!

There is great hope here. God records the repentance of Nineveh in the book of Jonah to show us that He saved a nation because its people repented! Their leaders led them to do that, and they solved their problems and saved their country!

There is a solution to these terrifying threats. Even now, God would save nations if they would just heed His warning message.

The modern Assyrians in Germany are about to fulfill a certain dark role in Bible prophecy. They already started two world wars and are going to start a third one. The United States is a nato ally of Germany. It also gives Germany’s warplanes access to its nuclear weapons. It recently upgraded these weapons. If the modern Israelites in America and other nations do not repent, those weapons will be turned against us!

The Bible warns that if we refuse to turn from our wicked ways, God will indeed allow nuclear war to punish mankind. But He promises that He will not allow mankind to destroy itself.

We are facing the results of our sins. We have all sinned and are all sinners. We shouldn’t be embarrassed to repent, because that is our only hope, both physically and spiritually.

God says He does not want human beings to wallow in wickedness until they die. He wants us to turn from the sins that are creating such problems in our lives! (Ezekiel 33:11). He has tremendous plans for mankind, but He can only proceed with those after we repent.

The Solution

The late Winston Churchill said, “Mankind has never been in this position before. Without having improved appreciably in virtue or enjoying wiser guidance, it has got into its hands for the first time the tools by which it can unfailingly accomplish its own extermination.”

But the problem is even worse today. Our morals and standards are constantly dropping. World leaders act more and more aggressive, and have less and less judgment. If mankind continues to go down this route, the ultimate achievement of man will be exterminating himself. Global suicide! Cosmocide!

The Prophet Daniel called this the “time of the end”—or as Moffatt translates it, “the crisis at the close”—the crisis of all crises. There has never been a crisis like this! We must do something, and only God can help us.

One third of your Bible is prophecy, and 90 percent of that is for “the time of the end,” our time today! Jesus Christ Himself was a prophet and gave many prophecies, particularly Matthew 24. But ministers won’t preach prophecy—not even the prophecies Christ Himself preached! How is it that so many people who consider themselves Christian ignore one third of their Bible?

Matthew 24:21-22 prophesy, “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.” That is a promise from God!

The problem of human survival will be solved, but only because Jesus Christ comes and stops it before all human flesh is killed!

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the [door]” (verses 32-33). This earthshaking crisis is at the door! Are you paying attention? Are you watching events and recognizing just how serious they are? This truth is right there in your Bible. Many prophecies tell you about it.

Will you take action and repent before it is too late?

A ‘Little Flock’

In Luke 12:32, Jesus Christ says, “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” God loves mankind and is eager to bring us into the Kingdom of God. He sent Jesus Christ to die and be resurrected, to found the “little flock,” His one true Church, and enable human beings to turn from their wicked ways, be forgiven of their sins, and keep God’s perfect, holy law. Only 120 were called and converted when Jesus Christ was on Earth, a “little flock” indeed (see also Revelation 3:10).

Today there are many preachers who accept that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, but who say that He did away with the law of God. They misquote crucial scriptures rather than repent and submit to that law. God’s true Church not only acknowledges who Jesus Christ is but delivers His message. It still exists today, but it is still a “little flock.” Many verses, including statements by Christ Himself, prophesy that there will be many false churches and false ministers who agree that Jesus was the Christ (Matthew 24:1-5) but who don’t teach His message.

Christ then said, “Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Of a truth I say unto you, that he will make him ruler over all that he hath” (Luke 12:43-44). When our Lord comes—when Jesus Christ returns—we need to be found doing His Work!

If we look to God and submit to God by repenting and obeying His law, He will not only shepherd us as part of His “little flock” but give us the Kingdom of God and make us rulers over all that He has: the whole universe! That is your human potential—not just wickedness and death in a nuclear world war! You cannot reach your wonderful human potential without first acknowledging your wicked ways, turning from them, being forgiven of your sin, and then—with God’s help—keeping God’s wonderful law!

But if you will do that, that is only the beginning of your incredible future!