Starmer Turns to Germany to Reverse a Hard Brexit

On August 28, 2024, Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, arrives at Bellevue Palace, Berlin, Germany as he is received by Federal President Steinmeier.
Christoph Soeder/picture alliance via Getty Images

Starmer Turns to Germany to Reverse a Hard Brexit

Eight years after millions of Brits voted to leave the European Union, British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer visited Germany on August 28 for “Operation Reset.” The Telegraph wrote: “Sir Keir Starmer needs Olaf Scholz of Germany to carry out his plan to undo the Tories’ hard Brexit.” The German chancellor welcomed Starmer as a prodigal son.

“We must turn a corner on Brexit and fix the broken relationships left behind by the previous government,” Starmer said. “We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reset our relationship with Europe.”

Starmer blames the British government for frosty relations—not the EU. He also claims resetting relations with Europe “does not mean reversing Brexit or reentering the single market or the customs union. But it does mean a closer relationship on a number of fronts, including the economy, including defense, including exchanges.”

In 2016, Starmer opposed Brexit and resigned from serving as junior shadow minister under Jeremy Corbyn when the people voted to leave. In his resignation letter, he stated: “[T]he EU referendum result was catastrophic for the [United Kingdom], for our communities and for the next generation. We now face a very different future.”

In the years after, he advocated for a Brexit that retained free movement of people—though the large influx of migrants was a key reason many Brits wanted to leave. In January 2020, he said: “I want families to be able to live together, whether that’s in Europe or here. … We have to make the case for freedom of movement.”

Starmer has since changed rhetoric—but his intentions appear the same.

Starmer believes ties with Germany are “crucial” for tackling illegal migration and “boosting economic growth across the continent and crucially in the UK.” To this end, he announced a new treaty between the UK and Germany, calling it a “once-in-a-generation chance to deliver for working people in Britain and Germany.”

The Telegraph commented: “Deepening relations with Berlin with a new deal on defense and trade will win Sir Keir an important ally and send a signal to the rest of Europe. It helps that Ursula von der Leyen, the commission president, is German, and Berlin is the EU’s largest economy.”

Germany is the undisputed power of the EU—and German dominance was another reason many Brits wanted to leave.

Yet Starmer believes Britain should trust Germany when it comes to defense. As Reuters wrote: “An Anglo-German defense partnership could resemble the Lancaster House pact between Britain and France agreed in 2010, according to officials, with pledges to create a joint force and share equipment and nuclear missile research centers.”

This goes beyond fine-tuning some trade deals: Dealing with the EU comes with conditions. One of these conditions is accepting German military dominance. For decades everyone agreed German militarism had to be restrained—but now that Germany is rising militarily, no one will speak out. One reason for this is that Germany dominates the EU economically.

But dealing with the EU also means following its policies on migration, censorship and many other issues. Britain lacks leaders who will stand up for the people’s will. This is by design.

In 2016, British elites sought to oppose a Brexit referendum—and got support from United States President Barack Obama. In recent years, Obama has worked with the Labour Party to control the British government and return Britain to the EU.

British political decisions have consequences—which were prophesied thousands of years ago.

The late Herbert W. Armstrong explained from Bible prophecy that the United States and Britain are the descendants of ancient Israel—Britain specifically descending from the tribe of Ephraim.

Britain is prophesied to turn to Germany. Referring to a prophecy in Hosea 2, Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry writes: “Britain and America are increasingly aligning themselves with Germany (modern Assyria) and it will be to our downfall—because God is going to bring it about.”

God prophesied that this alliance with Britain’s historic enemy will not solve any of its problems. Hosea 5:13 reveals: “When Ephraim saw his sickness, and Judah saw his wound, then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet could he not heal you, nor cure you of your wound.” Mr. Flurry explains:

Hosea prophesies that wounded Judah and sick Ephraim will go to Germany for help. Why? Because America is even sicker than both of them and can be of no help at that point! The deadly weakness of these three nations leads to their destruction by Germany—at the same time. “And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquity; Judah also shall fall with them” (Hosea 5:5). America, or Manasseh, is labeled as “the pride of Israel” because it has recently been the real power behind all the nations of Israel.

We cannot take Britain’s recent turn to Germany lightly. Many prophecies warn of the events unfolding before our eyes. To learn more, read “Britain in Prophecy” from Mr. Flurry’s booklet Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind.