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Hosea—Reaping the Whirlwind

Like all of the minor and major prophets in the Old Testament, the primary focus for the book of Hosea is the end time. The message deliv­ered anciently was only a type of what is occurring today. It contains a tremendous warning that must be delivered now! Hosea was written first of all to God’s adulterous wife in this end time. That is how the book is intro­duced in the very first chapter. That has not been under­stood before—not until now! God deals with His Church first because that is the most important issue—by far. God’s next major concern, in this book, is the British peoples. After that, God is concerned about the nation of Judah, called ‘Israel’ today. Hosea tells us that those who sow the wind are going to reap the whirlwind! But there is a beautiful ending to his message.