Armenia Thwarts Alleged Russian-sponsored Coup Attempt

Russia paid and trained insurgents in an attempt to violently overthrow Armenia’s West-leaning government and install a pro-Russian regime, the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia alleged Wednesday.

Why it matters: Armenia, a former Soviet nation and longtime partner to Russia, has pulled away from Moscow in recent years. This in reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and failure to protect Armenia from Azerbaijan’s conquest of the Nagorno-Karabakh region. Armenia’s current leaders have even announced ambitions to join the European Union.

This coup attempt shows Russia’s refusal to let former Soviet nations pull out of the Russian orbit, and its determination to rebuild Russian power in the former Soviet territory.

Details: Armenian officials said Moscow recruited six Armenians to complete three months’ training in Russia to carry out an armed coup. They received 220,000 rubles ($2,377) per month. They reportedly underwent background checks to determine their allegiance before being transferred to Russia’s “Arbat military base” in Rostov-on-Don.

Local security forces stopped the alleged coup. Had it succeeded, it could have returned Armenia to Russia’s orbit.

Prophetic perspective: The Bible prophesies of a “prince of Rosh” will lead a massive alliance of Asian nations. Trumpet editor in chief Gerald Flurry has pointed to Russian President Vladimir Putin as fulfilling this prophecy, and said as a result that Putin “will probably conquer more nations of the former Soviet Union.”

Learn more: Read The Prophesied ‘Prince of Russia.’