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Tigray Attack Could Spark Another Civil War in Ethiopia

Militant forces allied with the Tigray Peoples Liberation Front (tplf) attacked the Tigray Interim Administration (tia) in northern Ethiopia on March 11. According to the Institute for the Study of War, the attack “risks sparking another civil war in Ethiopia.”

Coup d’etat: tplf-allied forces reportedly entered and trashed the offices of federally backed tia officials, opened fire on civilians, and detained tia cabinet members in at least three areas of Tigray.

Civilian casualties have been reported in Dega Hamus and Mekelle, with other local reports saying factions under tplf leader Debretsion Gebremichael have effectively “taken control of the Adigrat city administration.”

The tia had warned of an impending “outright coup,” and has now appealed for help from Ethiopia’s federal government explaining that the anti-tia forces are “hunting down, detaining and arresting” its members.

Civil war: On Nov. 3, 2022, the tplf signed the Pretoria Agreement with Ethiopia’s government, supposedly ending the two-year civil war. The war was largely fought in Ethiopia’s northern Tigray region but other countries got involved, particularly neighbors Eritrea and Sudan, and even Turkey.

The tplf’s attack violates the peace agreement.

Prophecy: The Bible foretells a shift in Ethiopia’s international allegiance. Prophecy in Daniel 11 shows Ethiopia will be allied with Islamist nations led by Iran. Another potential civil war and the current chaos could lead to this radical change.

Learn more: Read “Is Ethiopia’s Civil War in End-Time Prophecy?

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