Marriage Wins in California—But for How Long?

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Marriage Wins in California—But for How Long?

Voters passed Proposition 8. But why is the definition of marriage so important, and will the ruling stand?

If just slightly more than 2 percent of voters had voted the other way, homosexual “marriage” would now be legal in California. By a margin of 52 percent to 48 percent, California voters overturned the decision of the state Supreme Court that tried to unilaterally impose same-sex “marriage.” But with obnoxious protests and numerous legal challenges now set to inundate courtrooms, how long will marriage remain defined in California as between a man and woman?

The ballot measure passed last Tuesday was sponsored by a coalition of religious and social conservative groups and amends the California Constitution to define marriage as a heterosexual union. It supersedes the state Supreme Court decision that allowed homosexual couples to call their unions “marriages.”

A 2003 law already gives people who are registered as domestic partners the same rights concerning taxes, estate planning and medical decisions as married couples. The homosexual “marriage” ban, known as Proposition 8, does not change that law.

But many within the homosexual community are after more than just the same legal rights as married couples. It is an attack on biblically based morals, even the Bible itself. Angry at traditional conservatives, and the biblical description of homosexuality as a sin, many are seeking acceptance of the “marriage” terminology as a way to legitimatize their lifestyles.

“The people of California have spoken yet again, but that doesn’t mean anything to radical groups that want to impose their will at all costs,” says Glen Lavy, senior counsel with the Alliance Defense Fund. “Once again they are attempting to use the courts to push their agenda since they can’t achieve it legitimately at the ballot box.”

Predictably, the L.A. Gay and Lesbian Center organized protests to get people onto the streets and stir attention. Boisterous activists surrounded the gates of a Mormon temple in Westwood and noisily spilled through the western side of the city. Some homosexuals and lesbians blame the Mormon Church for the homosexual union ban, saying that the church was behind an advertising blitz that promoted Proposition 8. The protest turned violent when a vehicle displaying a pro-Proposition 8 banner came close to the crowd.

Yet, as Trumpet columnist Stephen Flurry wrote, conservative commentators are deluding themselves if they think the three states that banned homosexual “marriages” on Election Day indicate a moral revival. “Because barely half the country is against homosexual marriage—a position even Barack Obama held during his campaign—we are supposedly conservative to the core,” says Stephen Flurry. “That same-sex marriage is even on the ballot illustrates how steep our moral slide has been over the past generation.”

The definition of marriage is an incredibly important issue. Especially so because of what God created marriage to represent.

Our free booklet Why Marriage!—Soon Obsolete? gives a stirring explanation of the inspiring spiritual reasons for marriage and family. The Missing Dimension in Sex goes further into the God-ordained purposes for sex. The Incredible Human Potential explains in hope-filled detail the inspiring future these institutions are intended to prepare us for. You need this knowledge! You need the genuine hope that comes from a deep understanding of the beautiful, inspiring vision of the God Family!