Josué Michels

Putin pressures Europe. How will it respond?

Jews in France feel threatened.

A new world of government control emerges.

Germans shift to the right as their governments shift to the left.

Perhaps the biggest takeaway from the recent measures is how Europeans are treated like sheep.

Europe’s militarization needs to be closely watched.

A key prophecy reveals how Europe will get its strongman.

Events in France today show that more and more people are ready to engage in conflict to safeguard their Continent and their history.

Refusing the jab makes you an enemy of the state.

Are strong German-Israeli relations a sign of good things to come?

Are German soldiers tired of fighting on the sidelines?

The influence Germany has over U.S. media outlets should not be underestimated.

How desperately we need to understand history

Commemoration of German warfare in Afghanistan evokes Nazi era.

History shows that Germany’s drive to spy is dangerous.

Another covid lie exposed

Democracy, parliaments, coalitions—the enemies of Europe’s rising strongmen

No leader appears ready for the challenge.

History is repeating itself.

The financial crisis of one superpower will lead to the rise of another.

Have lockdowns, vaccine rollouts, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports been based on fraudulent data?

Europe’s core nations are increasingly looking to their heritage. What causes friction today will cause temporary unity tomorrow.

The United States is paving the way for a new world of authoritarianism.

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