Josué Michels

‘There will be missions where nato or the United Nations will not be present but where Europe should be.’

A fond relationship with unseen jeopardies

The latest push for a united European military comes as U.S. resistance has eroded and crises in the Middle East are forcing Europe to defend itself.

Is Europe drifting toward authoritarianism?

The squadron is a ‘concrete, important step forward for the Europe of defense.’

European leadership is becoming more Catholic.

Europe is rising as a threat to world peace.

The intent is not to save lives but to prolong power.

Crises demand leaders, but what if none are found?

Putin’s wrath is increasingly feared beyond Russia’s borders.

What you need to know about Germany’s upcoming federal election

Calls for Germany to reawaken its military spirit are rising.

Considering how few Jews live in Germany, the increasing offenses are alarming.

In editorials, online posts and beer halls, the sentiment is the same: Our leaders are pitifully powerless. Something must change.

Europeans are getting accustomed to authoritarian rule.

How will Europe’s Catholic community respond?

sdr allocations don’t help the poor, the U.S. is generally opposed to it, and China and Europe are pushing for it. What is it about?

Democracy—only for those who agree with the state

Is Deuteronomy 28:51 being fulfilled before our eyes?

When promised safety, expect to lose freedom.

Plagued by terrorism and civil war, millions seek a new home. But all doors are closed.

We have entered a new era in Europe that will result in increasingly dictatorial governments.

In many countries, the state can listen to your conversations, track your movement, and observe your bank account. But those who seek to avoid the state’s eyes can still use cash—for now.

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