Josué Michels

To increase the churches’ power, the pope could be accepted as first among equals.

The recent floods remind us of the fate of ancient Nineveh.

Germany is scouting space and analyzing the activities of other states.

The Catholic spirit that ruled Europe for centuries is being revived.

The world is preparing for cyberwarfare. The question is, who will strike first?

Xi says foreign powers trying to stop China’s rise ‘will crack their heads and spill blood.’

A glimpse into how cyberattacks can cost not only large sums of money but also many lives

Even after Brexit, Britain seeks to appease Germany.

Millions of Americans are going to starve. The Bible reveals why.

Governments around the world seek to solve escalating crime rates, social unrest and the causes of war—yet the power to change things is within the home.

The migrant crime situation in Europe is prophesied to escalate dramatically.

In the U.S.’s absence, foreign powers will dominate this crucial battlefield.

Attacks in Wurzburg, Germany, and Mali raise the question: When will terror end?

German manufacturers work in competition with U.S. defense contractors.

The army’s tradition continues.

Most Bible prophecy was written for our day, a frightening time of soon-coming ‘great tribulation.’

Old fears are haunting Europe again.

State surveillance often serves as a barometer for dictatorial tendencies.

Why can’t Germany overcome its Nazi past?

During the coronavirus outbreak, conspiracy theories old and new are spreading online in German and French.

In times of crisis, we see a union between church and state form, even in the most atheistic states, such as Saxony-Anhalt.

Perhaps even more concerning than the vaccine is the way the media is reporting it.

America’s carelessness will have ‘terrible real-world consequences.’

Germany’s post-World War ii goals are being maliciously accomplished.

In editorials, online posts and beer halls, the sentiment is the same: Our leaders are pitifully powerless. Something has to change.

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