Josué Michels

Tediously and methodically, Europe prepares for major conflicts.

Will Germany intervene in the Middle East conflict?

Armin Laschet, in line to succeed Chancellor Angela Merkel, envisions a core European military. This is already becoming reality.

Germany seeks to free itself of the shackles of the postwar era.

The fulfillment of a long-awaited biblical forecast draws near.

Jews around the world find no peace.

Tensions in the Middle East provide Europe an opportunity.

The coronavirus is far from being Europe’s only concern.

From a financial standpoint, the decision was an absolute disaster. But perhaps a more sinister purpose was behind the purchase.

In the last 50 years, French presidents have avoided officially honoring Napoleon’s legacy. That has now changed.

It’s a small step, but it shows Germany’s ambition.

If you disagree with the government’s coronavirus response, you can now be put under surveillance in Germany.

Pushed by radical Islamists—France resurrects a medieval Holy Roman Empire mentality.

Around a thousand anti-Semitic incidents were registered in Berlin alone.

History shows centralizing power is only the first step of worse to come.

The plan of German industrialists goes beyond making money.

The spirit of Charlemagne is again brooding over Germany.

Authoritarianism is spreading in Western Europe.

Once the homeland of many Christians; now the battleground of religions

The very foundation of Germany’s postwar democracy is crumbling.

Yet you can have hope.

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