Josué Michels

The Russia-German alliance cannot last.

The weeklong blockage has put Germany and its military on high alert.

Why are mental health problems so common among gender-dysphoric people? Only by correctly answering that question can we find a solution.

Watch Germany’s response to this chain of events closely.

We cannot afford to ignore what is happening in Europe.

European governments refuse to admit their failure.

What kind of Germany will arise at the end of Germany’s ‘2021 super-election year’?

A new UNICEF report indicates that the suffering of Syrian’s children will have no end. Is it really that hopeless?

Our world is changing fast, but Bible prophecy reveals where we are heading.

The biggest threat to Christian life in the region is yet ahead.

German Defense Ministry considers Heckler & Koch to be the only qualified arms manufacturer for its new assault rifle.

Hundreds of suspected cases of right-wing extremism have been uncovered in the Bundeswehr.

The Bundeswehr’s largest foreign deployment will once again be extended.

The origins are unknown, but what is becoming obvious is a coordinated, powerful, unscientific bias against anything that implicates the Chinese Communist Party.

In a hostile world, Israel is certainly taking note of the few supporters it has.

Even the coronavirus lockdowns could not reverse the trend.

A noir television series unwittingly connects German society with a predecessor much older than Weimar.

The coronavirus has advanced science to the point where previously unimaginable weapons can now be made and refined.

The controversial German-Russian pipeline project moves forward.

It is the highest level of anti-Semitic crimes in 20 years, and it is getting worse.

The German military is regaining popularity.

Few realize Germany’s military strength is not revealed by statistics.

The annual celebration is so important to the Catholic Church that it even had to take place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The far right is beginning to terrorize Germany—again.

Another harbinger of worse to come

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