Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

There are roughly 20,000 nuclear weapons on this planet. What happens when one is dropped on your city?

Tragedies like last week’s Isla Vista massacre will continue until we confront the fundamental cause.

Written 2,500 years ago, the book of Daniel includes an extraordinarily fitting description of end-time Europe.

Moscow’s relationship with Tehran gives it critical leverage over America and Europe.

The fundamental flaw of America’s fatal foreign policy

Was his untimely departure from German politics a blessing in disguise? Recent actions show that he may be preparing for a dramatic return.

The pope wants to radically transform the global financial system, and he’s quietly acquiring the power to do it. But his strategy goes well beyond economics.

Vladimir Putin is exposing Europe as a feeble, disunited lightweight. Yet the Trumpet continues to forecast that the Continent will soon unite to become the world’s most powerful and frightening superpower. Are we wrong?

Forget the athletes. The Sochi Olympics are a celebration of the muscle, ambition and ruthlessness of Vladimir Putin, the prophesied ‘prince of Rosh.’

2014 could be the year Germany replaces America as the world’s unilateral superpower.

Though polite and diplomatic, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg’s candid, even forceful, message to Vladimir Putin this week was infused with a spirit of confrontation.

Events in Ukraine highlight three important geopolitical realities, each of which is prophetically significant.

America’s president seems determined to preserve the regime in Tehran. Why?

It’s become the most popular nation in the world. What could go wrong?

Germany’s rumor mill is churning. Is Guttenberg about to return to politics?

Was Guttenberg’s untimely departure from German politics a blessing in disguise?

The Bundeswehr prepares for ‘challenges of the future.’

In the great game of international relations, small gestures matter greatly.

After 14 years of tyrannical behavior, Russia’s strongman appears to have finally incited a vast and genuine moral backlash.

Mass unemployment in the early 1930s gave rise to Adolf Hitler and Nazism. Could it happen again?

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