Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Just look at the thermometer.

God is reaching out to you through events in Europe. Will you listen?

When seismic events happen in Europe, the Vatican is nearly always involved.

Remarkable archeological discoveries in Jerusalem are challenging critics of the Bible’s account of King David and King Solomon.

It seems like an innocuous trend, but it’s not.

What were the real results of Thursday’s eurozone meeting?

The survival of Europe as a united entity now depends solely on Germany.

Europe’s leaders face a choice: Integrate further, or disintegrate.

Day by day, month by month, Egypt is gravitating toward Iran and the radical Islamists.

The whole world watched—and He was there.

The continual emergence of remarkable archeological discoveries in Jerusalem is making it increasingly difficult to reject the biblical account of King David and King Solomon.

History shows that refusing to confront reality can be fatal.

Europe is experiencing its most transformative moment since World War II.

It’s easy to condemn David and Kathy, but realize—you are not unlike them!

It’s important our children have an active, productive summer.

The annulment of the U.S.-Israel relationship will come with horrific consequences for the Jewish state.

A lesson from the 1930s

As the number of major crises mounts, pay special attention to the one striking Europe.

He was there.

Only a select few have received a prized invitation. But do any of them know why the heir’s throne even exists?

When the wedding arrives, it’s important that we look past the pomp and pageantry and into the great spiritual truths on display.

The creation of a Palestinian state is more likely to lead to war than peace.

The facts David Cameron forgot to mention

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