Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Twenty-nine years ago Britain defended the Falkland Islands with tremendous ardor and force. Would it do the same today?

Ancient Egypt was a magnificent civilization, until it suddenly vanished in the sixth century B.C.

As Syria unravels, the mullahs in Iran are growing alarmed.

The U.S. has abdicated its global leadership.

What’s unfolding in Japan is horrifying—but there is a bright side.

Want to understand the significance of the grandest wedding in three decades? Then request this book.

An Islamic uprising in Pakistan would create a nightmare scenario for the Western world.

Radical Islam is pushing all the wrong buttons.

The Trumpet has long identified Jerusalem as radical Islam’s ultimate prize. One million protesters recently agreed.

Egypt has played a crucial part in human history, but not the role many think.

For Europe, preventing radical Islam from gaining a foothold in North Africa and the Middle East is a matter of survival.

Washington’s naive devotion to democracy is doing untold damage.

The emergence of an Islamic government in Cairo is an event of extreme importance.

The recent spate of bizarre disasters raises some important questions about human existence.

Germany takes a giant step toward a professional military.

Radical Islam is provoking the most terrifying institution in the world.

An inspiring look back at when the Islamic Republic’s forefathers were friends and champions of … the Jews

Queen Elizabeth II addressed Britain and the world Saturday. Sadly, her message was profoundly disappointing.

Insight into the next stage of Europe’s emergence as a German-led superstate.

Reflections from a recent visit to America’s capital

For China, Kim Jong Il is another tool through whom it can challenge the United States.

The dazzling history behind the auditorium’s candelabras.

The flaws of some of Germany’s top leaders were exposed to the world this week. Meanwhile, Germany’s defense minister came through unscathed.

Where global trade disputes are leading—and how they will upend your life

We all know we should give thanks. But how many understand why?

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