Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Ireland is on the precipice of financial insolvency. The future of the entire eurozone is at stake. Germany caused this crisis. What is Berlin trying to achieve?

The British government embraces pagans, and continues to marginalize voices of reason and hope.

Together, radical Islam and secularism are arousing the fury of history’s most terrifying institution.

The hidden reason most people are overlooking.

Iran’s president likes to invoke memories of King Cyrus of Persia. So we’ll oblige him.

Don’t be fooled. Europe’s military imprint is growing, rapidly.

Rising anti-Islam sentiment in Germany will help give rise to a modern-day Hitler.

The current trade war is a sign of America’s imminent collapse.

Do you stare at a screen for a huge portion of your day? Descend into panic when you misplace your cell phone? Feel compelled to check your e-mail or IM incessantly?

Want to be a better thinker? Then learn to love solitude.

The same forces that made the Battle of Tours-Poitiers inevitable are at work today.

Europeans want a leader with “charisma.” Bible prophecy says they’re about to get one.

The axis between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug cartels gives Iran a deadly presence on America’s doorstep.

When it comes to Germany’s military, size isn’t everything.

A change of leadership in Cairo will alter the entire Middle East, particularly Israel.

Parents, we need to be growing fitter, stronger, healthier young people.

Can you feel it? More importantly, how will you respond?

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is a step closer to his goal of setting off a nuclear apocalypse.

Failing to defeat Iran could be America’s greatest foreign-policy blunder.

That Israel is gravitating toward war is an inescapable reality.

Please start teaching the world about your divinely inspired heritage.

A biblical prophecy gives clarity and hope to the tumult unfolding on the Continent.

Parents, we need to be growing fitter, stronger and healthier teens.

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