Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Russia’s war against Georgia August last year taught us that it is unlikely the Kremlin will create a crisis without first consulting Berlin.

Whispers of war; racial tension in Britain; plus, forget Cash for Clunkers, get a free AK-47.

This scripture is instrumental to the development of sound foreign policy.

Queen Elizabeth II ought to have been the first dignitary invited to Normandy on June 6, not the last.

North Korea has nukes, and China isn’t worried. Something’s not right.

America and the global community want Israel to kill itself.

Barack Obama was supposed to defuse racial tension in America. Sadly, he is making it worse.

Some German media outlets are talking about the Treaty of Versailles in the same way a certain Austrian-born rising political star did in the 1930s.

Is Europe waking to German ambition? And what will it take to solve America’s education crisis?

What it means for the future of Europe—and the world.

“Mother Nature” takes on cap-and-trade. Plus, want to avoid getting overly sick or dying from the swine flu? Dust off the treadmill.

Time will prove that Mr. Obama failed in his attempt this week to “push the reset button” with Russia.

New statistics show that abortion is becoming a routine form of birth control.

This is the clash we need to watch for next.

Nuclear disarmament will not prevent mankind from being annihilated by atomic war. Thankfully, a higher power will.

The BBC’s refusal to air in prime time a documentary revealing the crisis in British families is barefaced hypocrisy.

History shows that budding relations between Russia and Germany are a sure sign of conflict.

North Korea has nukes, and China isn’t really worried. Something’s not right.

Queen Elizabeth II ought to have been the first dignitary invited to Normandy this weekend, not the last.

Guess who is thrilled by the planned demolition of Palestinian homes in Jerusalem’s Silwan area.

A deadly new axis and the revolting British; plus, the U.S. Supreme Court nominee is coming this week.

Learn this simple lesson from nature.

The international community wants Israel to commit suicide.

Want to get to know your family better? Shun selfishness, embrace selflessness.

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