Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

California’s decision to marry out-of-state same-sex couples puts an ace up the sleeves of homosexuals across America.

Queen Elizabeth II is about to make what could be the most important decision of her 56-year reign—and Britain’s centuries-old existence.

Both presidential candidates are convinced their style of diplomacy will solve America’s foreign-policy problems. Tragically, their diplomatic styles will make war inevitable.

It’s all around you, but you might not have recognized the latest weapon of mind destruction: gadgetry.

The Human Fertilization and Embryology Bill is nothing less than a state-sponsored attack on the traditional family unit.

Two natural disasters have created a “living hell” in East Asia. You’ve seen the gut-wrenching footage. But can you see the hope in these calamities of biblical proportions?

Israel’s leaders are showing increasing trust in Germany despite the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel sentiment permeating the German mainstream. This scenario exhibits all the signs of a spectacular double-cross.

The dearth of male teachers is a serious problem in America’s school system.

The Jewish state despises reality at its own peril.

Venezuela is known to be a gateway for illegals entering America. Now it’s becoming a hub for nuclear terrorism.

The most inconvenient truth for climate alarmists is the swelling ranks of influential scientists with dissenting opinions on global warming.

Tomorrow’s “Day of Silence” is a sign that the sexual revolution that began after World War I is about to end.

Ever wondered what it would be like to live during the Crusades? We’re about to find out.

Our obsession with global warming causes us to confront a perceived crisis that could explode in 50 years. Meanwhile, we ignore real crises that could explode next week.

Hugo Chávez is transforming Venezuela into a hub for nuclear terrorism—and no one is saying a thing!

Europe’s growing ability to dictate global regulations and business practices is worth watching.

It can make the difference between life and death.

Offending Muslims, Jews and liberal secularists is a deliberate part of Pope Benedict XVI’s agenda.

Radical Islamists love death like Westerners love life.

The most inconvenient truth for climate alarmists is the burgeoning number of influential scientists with dissenting opinions on global warming.

Europe’s two leading powers are jostling for continental dominance. Who will emerge the victor?

The warming Iran-Egypt relationship could become Israel’s greatest security threat.

How the mainstream press has missed the most important angle on events in the Balkans.

Is the Vatican about to bring down another European government?

What the spectacular success of Barak Obama reveals about the American psyche.

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