Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

For nearly 1,500 years, the Church of England defined English national character and infused the country with an indomitable spirit of independence. Those days are clearly finished.

Libya’s duplicitous foreign policy demands that America and the West be a little more circumspect in their coddling of this former state sponsor of terrorism.

Anti-Semitism destroyed 6 million Jews in World War II. Today, a subtler yet similarly dangerous anti-Semitism pervades the international community and threatens to end the Jewish state.

Europe’s growing ability to dictate international regulations and business practices equips it with disturbing political and strategic advantages.

America is demanding Israel demolish a few dozen unauthorized settlements; meanwhile, Palestinian Arabs have constructed tens of thousands of illegal structures throughout Jerusalem.

Action-based optimism leads to success; inert optimism can lead to defeat.

America’s high schools are filled with directionless, discontented souls starving for guidance and love.

The withdrawal of Britain from the European Union will be a watershed event in the annals of Western civilization. Here’s why.

For many animals, life and death is decided by their ability to sense danger. We would do well to consider this lesson from nature.

How Egypt and Iran’s rapprochement will affect the southern Levant—and Israeli national security.

How the mainstream press has missed the single most important angle to what’s happening in Kosovo.

In A.D. 732, Muslim invaders and Christian soldiers collided in one of the most decisive battles in history. Why is this important? The same forces that made the Battle of Tours-Poitiers inevitable are at work today.

America’s geopolitical impotence is being exposed in the rugged hills of northern Iraq.

A number of negative factors are inching life in the U.S. toward the harsh conditions the early pilgrim faced.

Political and social tumult create the ideal climate for opportunistic leaders.

A new weekly feature on! This week: a prevailing sense of uncertainty.

By shoring up relations with Tehran and reestablishing Russian primacy in the Caspian, President Putin has taken a violent swing at America’s geopolitical presence in the Middle East.

A political movement could boost Japan’s relations with its Asian neighbors—and evaporate its alliance with America.

How the steamroller of Japanese politics could weaken U.S. foreign policy.

It could be one of the most momentous, watershed events ever to occur on the European continent.

The heart of man has grown cold. Here’s how to protect your family from a world callous to brutality.

How fundamental differences between Britain and the Continent have doomed the floundering European unification project.

After dominating Japanese politics for more than 50 years, the staunchly pro-American Liberal Democrat Party is losing influence. The consequences for the United States are serious.

A series of controversial cartoons published by European newspapers caused tensions between Muslims and European nations to boil over last year. A similar controversy now looms.

As pressure mounts on Prime Minister Gordon Brown from EU leaders on one side and his own people on the other, an inevitable turning point in British history draws nearer.

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