Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

The Japanese military is quickly becoming a powerful offensive force.

Western governments have shunned a vicious lion; but are they coddling a sly fox?

Moscow’s growing power and influence alarms Europe. How will the Continent respond?

The Palestinian Authority government has been dissolved, and Hamas controls the Gaza Strip. This is a massive victory for Iran.

An American company is being prosecuted for assisting the Central Intelligence Agency.

Desperation in recent negotiations reveals America’s vulnerability in Central Asia.

Deep division is sparking deadly political battles that are destroying American greatness.

America is beginning to engage its enemies diplomatically. Will this approach be effective? Can diplomacy secure lasting global peace?

For most British, the royal family is a celebrity fest of crude antics. Foreigners view it as a relic of a medieval institution. Few grasp the majestic, hope-filled history and future of the throne of England.

A trend of enormous significance for every reader: Investors the world over are beginning to pull away from the shaky dollar—and to bank instead on a young, up-and-coming currency. This is a sign of a massive economic earthquake you can expect soon!

The lack of male teachers is a problem in America’s school system.

Serious environmental disasters besiege every continent on Earth. Is global warming the cause—or the effect?

History teaches that when diplomacy is not underpinned by the threat of military force it is fruitless—and even deadly.

Meet the new prime minister.

Pope Benedict’s comments united the Muslim world against him. But the bigger story is the effect those comments are having among Catholics.

The lack of male teachers is a problem in America’s school system.

Catastrophic weather crises are threatening one of your most basic needs.

As global threats gather, Europe sees the need to unify. The signing of a new code of conduct for arms contracting provides a peek at this significant trend.

Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan … oh yes! We almost forgot about North Korea.

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