Managing Editor

Brad Macdonald

Solving the refugee crisis requires fixing problems that are beyond our ability to fix.

Despite the Continent’s current crises, here is why we expect it to successfully pull together one last time.

There are roughly 20,000 nuclear weapons on this planet. What happens when one is dropped on your city?

Nations are beginning to look inward. What will be the end result?

What it means for the world when nations begin to look inward

Hamas and Iran’s deteriorating alliance is fulfilling prophecy from Psalm 83.

For hundreds of years, the Vatican created rivers of blood trying to seize control of the Holy Land from Muslims. Today the Vatican apparently endorses Palestinian sovereignty. Why?

Hamas and Iran’s deteriorating alliance is fulfilling prophecy from Psalm 83.

The world’s most influential figure is on a crusade to restructure the global economy.

Did you know Egypt is in a ‘state of war’?

Not once over the last 2,000 years has the Vatican endorsed Muslim control of the Holy Land. Why now?

The White House is content with Iran taking control of the Middle East and developing nuclear weapons. We will all suffer the consequences.

If Israel has ‘no greater friend’ than America, Israel has no friends.

The Charlie Hebdo attack and a thousand other provocations are awakening Europe’s crusading spirit.

The astonishing prophecy that explains the origins of the British Empire and defines world history

He is an astute, pragmatic thinker, a powerful communicator, and a natural leader—just the type of individual Germany and Europe need right now.

More evidence of America and Britain’s ancient identity

Will Germany intervene in crises in the Middle East—and beyond?

Bereft of vision, Britain is perishing.

The greatest challenge Germany’s leaders face is convincing the public that Germany needs to be more active and aggressive.

Germany has promised to do more to solve global crises. Will it live up to its promise?

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