Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

When the U.S. is getting walloped by record tornadoes, record flooding and record drought—all at the same time—you have to ask the question.

A few reasons that question might get real serious, real quick.

A terrific reminder, and a bit of advice

Admiral Mullen is on to something.

The extreme weather events we see today will do worse than just raise your grocery bill.

Thank God for advance warnings.

Another sign of the radically shifting world order

The Muslim Brotherhood isn’t even in power yet, and it’s already turning radical.

You have to ask the question, when the U.S. is getting walloped by record tornadoes, record drought and record flooding—all at the same time.

An escalation in violence sends a chilling message to Israel.

Many people thought we’d be further along by now. The truth is, we haven’t even started.

A big-picture look at recent earth-altering events

America’s addiction to big government cannot last. But there is an alternative.

What Richard Goldstone’s reversal tells you about Israel, the Palestinians, and the United Nations

With momentous events upstaging each other daily, here’s some guidance on how to focus on what really matters.

Guess who stands to benefit.

As the Middle East quakes, Israel mourns—and clenches its jaw.

Some good news!

The world’s energy supplies are in jeopardy. That’s deadly dangerous, considering how dependent we are on the stuff.

One can’t help but sigh and cry.

Biblical prophecy proves correct yet again.

America’s right wing broadens the tent.

Oil prices have spiked at just the possibility. Europe is keeping close watch.

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