Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Spring is here. The weather’s warming up. If your children just want to sit on their cans, consider this.

Why God designed human beings with this need

A look at a nation so familiar with danger, it can’t even see it

A note to fathers

Once the jewel of Africa, this nation is now going the way of the rest of the continent. The new leader of the ruling party won’t help matters.

The plan to stabilize Pakistan with Benazir Bhutto abruptly ended with her assassination. But the plan was fantastically flawed to begin with.

How resource distribution has contributed to the fulfillment of end-time prophecy

Israel considers a desperation move in dealing with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The long-awaited Winograd report is out, and Israel publicizes its failings before the world. What lessons does the Second Lebanon War teach?

The rioting and attacks gripping Kenya could have long-term consequences the participants aren’t thinking about.

American politics suffers from a raging epidemic of braggadocio.

The high cost of cutting a deal with the Islamic Republic.

Australia looks primed to turn its focus away from Britain and America and toward Asia. Here’s why this is a dangerous idea.

Israel has tried to deal with Hamas nonconfrontationally. The result: Its own security alliance with Egypt is threatened, and Hamastan has tripled in size.

A note to fathers

America’s breathtaking betrayal of Israel is becoming clearer by the day.

If you think democracy will solve the world’s woes, sit up and take a look around.

How does your child respond to you?

The U.S.-backed plan to resolve Pakistan’s dangerous problems by injecting Benazir Bhutto abruptly ended last week with her assassination. But the plan was fantastically flawed to begin with.

California law now protects cross-dressers like it does racial minorities–ignoring biology, reality and common sense.

Once the jewel of Africa, this nation is now going the way of the rest of the continent. The new leader of the ruling party won’t help matters.

The cost of keeping pace in a caffeinated culture

Whether you’re a youth, single, married, divorced or widowed, you deeply need to understand what makes family relationships so unique, so challenging, and so richly rewarding!

The high cost of cutting a deal with the Islamic Republic

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