Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

Monday, a National Intelligence Estimate said Iran responded to carrot-and-stick incentives by halting its covert nuclear weapons program back in 2003. Is it true?

Under a new prime minister, Australia looks primed to turn its focus away from Britain and America and toward Asia. Here’s why this is a dangerous idea.

American politics suffers from a raging epidemic of braggadocio.

A conservative Anglican communion is pleading to be incorporated into the Church of Rome. Reflecting a broader trend, the significance of this event is destined to grow with time.

California law now protects cross-dressers like it does racial minorities—ignoring biology, reality and common sense.

Some heart-to-heart advice for fathers

Turkey’s increasing significance is arresting the world’s attention. Here’s why it should arrest yours.

Russia’s president has revealed his intent to hold power beyond his legally prescribed limit. Few are surprised—and no one can stop him.

A survey reveals that Britain’s women are their families’ main financial support. What are the fruits of this reversal in the traditional division of responsibility in the home?

Russian President Vladimir Putin has revealed his intent to hold power beyond his constitutionally prescribed limit. Few are surprised—and no one can stop him.

Bad habits die hard. Here’s a key trait you need to gain ground in your conversion process.

Prepare to be inspired by these imminent advancements in urban living!

A former Islamist holds the presidency of Turkey. Here are some of the implications.

Turkish voters have elected a former Islamist as president. Here’s why many nations are asking: just how significant is this?

… and what to expect from the UK’s new prime minister

Hamas’s coup in the Gaza Strip was the move of a short-sighted, overreaching power that is about to ignite a world war—and then perish in it.

A study suggests that modern wives have greater decision-making power than their husbands.

Hamas and its Iranian benefactor have pushed the world toward war, and sown the seeds of their own demise.

Hamas’s recent seizure of the Gaza Strip could have nightmarish consequences in Egypt, hastening its transformation into an Iranian-aligned Islamist state.

If a 15 percent raise is all you need, consider this.

If a 15 percent raise is all you need, consider this.

The consequences of failing to confront evil

Iran attacked—and Britain promptly surrendered. What happens when a blatant act of war goes unpunished?

A stealth battlefront in the “war on terror”

America isn’t the only nation seeking to contain Iran. But there is a danger in thinking that mutual mistrust would make a solid foundation for a dependable alliance.

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