Senior Editor

Joel Hilliker

The mightiest military in history is making itself vulnerable to annihilation.

Five reasons the battle between Israel and Hezbollah is more serious than you may realize

Hezbollah’s exploitation of the media during the recent war has a long history.

Israel and Hezbollah both claimed victory. One of them is dead wrong.

With critical events occurring in the Middle East, Asia, Europe, South America and Africa, not to mention domestic U.S. troubles, how does one choose what to report on?

How the mightiest military in history is making itself vulnerable to annihilation

The majority of Americans say no—but whether or not they realize it, it is the reality of the modern battlefield. Does it help military effectiveness, or cripple it?

The fallacy in feeding our youth’s self-esteem

The Israelis elected a prime minister who vows to bring the Arab-Jew impasse to an end by 2010. Will his radical plan work?

The Jewish state’s latest election represents nothing less than the collapse of a nation’s determination to endure.

Lessons we can extract from demographic data

Revenge attacks over depictions of Muhammad prove that war between Islam and Europe is inevitable.

Lessons we can extract from demographics data

How the competition over resources will play out among the world’s great powers

The world is exiting the age of America and entering the age of multiple superpowers. The crunch on resources needed to stoke the engines of emerging global powers is destined to spark a violent revolution.

Why the Trumpet has a clearer definition than any other news source.

A recent poll shows the fallacy in the idea that terrorists can be lured away from evil with money.

The Gaza Strip border with Egypt must be looked after. Israel has been pressured to turn the job over to the EU. What might the consequences be?

A real-life fable about a losing battle

In the name of peace, an embattled nation declares war on itself.

New Orleans’ speedy descent from chaos into barbarism is a gut-check warning for all of us.

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