Ron Fraser

A recent British poll confirms the destruction of Britons’ musical taste and reveals the sinister spirit behind it.

A significant move bolstering Chinese investment in Central Europe is set to benefit Germany substantially.

The German secret service is taking on new life under a highly motivated director.

An EU military force engages in Europe’s southernmost zone of conflict.

An interesting scenario is building in Europe involving Spain, Italy and Portugal. It could accelerate the rise of the prophesied 10-nation combine.

One of Britain’s most iconic institutions holds out for proper dress.

Chancellor Merkel has reached the end of her political rope. Can she last till the 2013 federal elections?

Recently quoted as stating his concern over the creation of an EU super-president, Lord Stoddart of Swindon aired his views on the EU to Trumpet staff at a meeting in London during the winter of 2010.

Chancellor Merkel’s replacement of her old political partner Nicolas Sarkozy with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti hastens the resurrection of Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire.

Germany’s chancellor has aligned with Italy’s prime minister. This will strengthen ties between Berlin and Rome.

The nation’s elites are going all-out to admit Germany’s past guilt—why?

How the failure of women to be “keepers at home” has resulted in a deeply entrenched social disease.

In a move that will strike many followers of this website as dramatic, 10 European Union nations are considering creating a powerful new office to lead that European combine.

As the EU continues to fracture along certain monetary, political and cultural fault lines, the search for a new identity gains strength. Pope Benedict and certain German elites are playing a big part in this.

The title of the television program that Julian Assange is launching next week, The World Tomorrow, was for over 50 years the banner for a program of far different origins.

It started in the Balkans. It is heading for Jerusalem. Germany’s moves south and east have been long predicted.

Why would EU security and defense elites use the Somali pirate threat as a reason to open an opportunity for land-based combat missions in East Africa?

Moves are afoot within Germany to justify the changing of national and state borders.

An American scientist proposes the genetic engineering of environmentally friendly humans.

Is religion relevant to life in the 21st century? Is there one pure religion, one true church?

Two Jesuit-educated technocrats, Mario Draghi and Mario Monti, hold sway amid Europe’s crisis.

There’s a profound difference between the motives of such as Stratfor’s CEO George Friedman and those who lurk behind the facades of Anonymous, WikiLeaks and VroniPlag.

The debate continues to rage in America—should the citizens’ taxes pay for death by abortion? Whatever happened to the natural affection that once found joy in giving life?

The only question remaining as to Greece cutting its ties with the euro is—when?

How today’s music reflects the denigration of society

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