Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Jesus Christ was the greatest prophet of all time. While on Earth, He revealed six signs of His Second Coming. To be protected in the dangerous days ahead, you need to be able to discern these signs!

Recent events point to peace in the Middle East, but one Bible prophecy guarantees the opposite. You can know the specific alliances of the coming war in the Middle East.

Many spies in Britain’s intelligence-gathering services helped President Obama spy on American citizens and frame Donald Trump for a crime he did not commit. Why do such a diabolical thing?

In a world wracked by bad news, here is some excellent news for every nation and person on Earth.

Britain is ashamed of its imperial past. It shouldn’t be. The right kind of empire has a noble and powerful impact on this world!

A happy marriage is better than a trillion dollars.

Who was Jesus Christ before He became Jesus Christ? The answer will affect your life!

In these uncertain times, there is only one way to persevere and prosper.

The ending of the biblical book of Ruth is the link between ancient Israel and God’s Church, between God’s promises of race and grace, and between David and Jesus Christ. This important book has confused many, but you can understand Ruth—and God’s master plan.

You cannot understand American politics until you recognize the spiritual dimension. This article should strike fear in every American, the Jewish state and the British peoples. If it doesn’t, they are going to suffer as no people ever have! All that suffering can be avoided if we heed this warning from Bible prophecy.

And understanding Bible prophecy can change your life!

The Bible prophesies of a battle between a European king of the north and the king of the south, led by radical Islam. But the nation of Jordan will be protected. We need to know why.

One of the most spectacular promises in the Bible is that God will heal every human being from sickness and disease. How is this possible despite millions already dying this way? Discover how God’s healing promise is inextricably linked to salvation.

God taunts the skeptics and challenges critics to examine the one major proof of His existence: prophecy.

Why would an American president conspire to smear the reputation of an American hero, overthrow the U.S. government, and realign the nation’s interests with those of the number one terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world?

Intellectuals have removed God from their studies. What is the result?

During His time on Earth, Jesus Christ established the one true Church. But just over 100 years later, the Church had vanished. What happened to God’s Church during the ‘lost century’?

Jesus Christ will soon return to sit on the throne of the Earth. Where is that throne right now? Its identity has recently changed, and this truth will change the universe.

God’s loyal people in this end time are charged with delivering an urgent warning to the world. This warning is contained in a little book. Learn where to find this little book—and how it illuminates God’s path to glory.

Jesus Christ is about to return. A life-saving event that took place decades ago is absolute proof of this. Your Bible foretold this most pivotal sign of Christ’s imminent return.

God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find out when this shaking begins.

Britain is ashamed of its imperial past. It shouldn’t be. The right kind of empire has a noble and powerful impact on this world!

The Bible is called the book nobody knows, but you can unlock the seven fundamental mysteries of the world’s most important book.

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