Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

What did Christ mean by this astounding statement?

Right after Jesus Christ defeated Satan in the titanic battle of the ages, He made an interesting statement: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” It’s been almost 2,000 years. God’s Kingdom still hasn’t come. What did Christ mean?

Music is a vital part of God’s throne-room culture.

What’s behind Emmanuel Macron’s comments?

There is only one solution to suffering.

Your Bible is full of prophecies about this present evil world coming to a fiery, destructive end. How can you receive God’s protection from this fate?

Within one of the Bible’s most overlooked books lies one of its most inspiring messages! It reveals a depth to God’s love that survives blistering trial and even betrayal—a love stronger than death itself! To listen to a musical setting of the Song of Solomon, or to acquire the scores, please visit https://www.pcog.org/resources/music. Or, to watch a video recording of the live premiere at Armstrong Auditorium, please visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrBcbq0SByY

Just before he was murdered, the Apostle Peter wrote two amazingly hopeful biblical books. What was the secret to his living hope?

The appalling battle over the United States Supreme Court shows how close this nation is to collapse—and how God will solve the problem.

The long-awaited moment is here. Germany needs a new leader. Who will it be?

Good music provides many benefits for your mind, body and spirit. Music is also central to God’s plan.

The only human king-priest in history was recently crowned.

In all of history, only one human has possessed the authority of both a king and a priest. You need to know who this man is, because he is a sign of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

The immense power backing God’s Church is mind-staggering!

God’s one true Church on Earth forcefully delivers the most astounding and inspiring truth imaginable. The power source steadfastly backing God’s Church is the formidable, roaring Lion of the tribe of Judah.

The Bible is a book about Israel. Yet its message is a universal one for all nations. God has a purpose for Israel, and all mankind can become a part of this unique nation.

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

The book of Daniel prophesies about an end-time ‘king of fierce countenance,’ who will shake the foundations of this world. That king is on the scene now—and we think we may know who he is.

The most important subject that anyone could ever study is history. Great leaders like Washington, Lincoln and Churchill learned valuable lessons from the past—but even they didn’t possess the ultimate understanding of history. You can learn what this understanding is and how to obtain it.

This story should be the headline of every news media on this planet! But it’s hardly even noticed because this world is ignorant of Bible prophecy and history. That ignorance will cause them to be victims of the worst suffering ever on this Earth!

God is offering the greatest reward imaginable to a tiny group of people today, and it relates to a specific throne on Earth right now.

History shows that the deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia is a sure sign of future conflict.

The conclusion to the book of Chronicles confuses Bible scholars. But it reveals the ultimate potential of mankind!

The recent mass murderer in Washington, D.C., who killed 13 people including himself, said that he was hearing voices. He also said he was led to do it by radio waves. A scripture in the New Testament helps us understand the motive in this mass shooting.

History shows that the deepening cooperation between Germany and Russia is a sure sign of future conflict.

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