Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

British journalist Melanie Phillips has been a culture warrior for decades, fighting for the traditional family and education.

The Prophet Ezekiel will have lived in vain if God’s true Church doesn’t proclaim his message today! The book of Ezekiel is clearly an end-time message. It reveals specific prophetic events that are happening right now in the United States, Britain and many other English-speaking nations. Ezekiel also reveals that these nations are headed for the worst crisis ever known. But it is all a part of God’s master plan to usher in the wonderful Kingdom of God. Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of Ezekiel in a general way for many years. But now, for the first time, they are fully revealed to you through this exciting book.

The traditional family is under furious assault in the Western world. So is education. These foundational institutions of human happiness are in danger of extinction.

Matthew 24 explains the four horsemen of the apocalypse, some of the most terrifying symbols in the Bible. This chapter also foretells the exciting conclusion to what will be the worst suffering in human history.

This church-state combine has caused more destruction than any kingdom in history. Why is it a mystery to the world?

The Bible describes an end-time spokesman for God called ‘that prophet.’

Churches, theologians and Bible scholars know nothing about the Kingdom of God. It is a mystery to the world. But learning about God’s Kingdom will give purpose and meaning to your life!

Jesus Christ preached about the coming Kingdom of God, but traditional Christianity has multiple definitions for what that Kingdom is. What is the truth?

Why did Jesus Christ establish His Church? Traditional Christianity has no clue. It is a mystery to this world.

Jesus Christ established God’s true Church almost 2,000 years ago. There is a purpose for God’s true Church that sets it apart from the rest.

The Bible is a book about Israel, both physically and spiritually. Why did God choose to work with this nation? How can Christians today learn from Israel’s example?

The Bible is a book about Israel. Yet its message is a universal one for all nations. God has a purpose for Israel, and all mankind can become a part of this unique nation.

There has probably never been a greater political watchman than Winston Churchill. His foresight saved the Western world from demise in World War ii. Yet today, the West scorns his message. The biggest tragedy of World War ii is that we didn’t learn from that shameful and near-fatal disaster.

God’s angels have lived for millions of years with stunning power and without sin. How could mortal men exceed them?

Modern civilization has made stunning advancements in science, industry and technology. Meanwhile, families and nations are suffering in unprecedented ways. Why the puzzling paradox?

Human civilization is more advanced today than at any time in history. Yet man’s problems are multiplying at an alarming rate. What is the cause of this paradox?

Have you ever asked yourself, “Who am I? What am I? Why am I?” These are the most basic questions in life. Yet politicians, scientists, educators, philosophers and even religionists don’t know the answers. They often shy away from even asking the questions in the first place. But you can know!

The human mind is a mystery to science, education and religion. A spiritual element in the mind of man sets it apart from the brain of animals.

Wars are killing tens of thousands of people around the world every year. Yet unseen is the most important war of all— spiritual armies fighting for control of human minds.

Wars are killing tens of thousands of people around the world every year. Yet unseen is the most important war of all—spiritual armies fighting for control of human minds.

When Jesus Christ founded the New Testa­ment Church, He said the gates of hell would not prevail against it. He prophesied of seven successive eras it would undergo before His Second Coming, and He even foretold the predominant character of each. History shows that God’s true Church—though it has gone largely unnoticed—has survived through the 20 centuries since that time, fulfilling Christ’s prophecies in specific detail. Now, on the cusp of Christ’s return, this dramatic and miraculous story can be fully told!

This book will help you understand your Creator.

Mankind has been in spiritual darkness for thousands of years because they do not know God. But you can learn how to develop a relationship with your Creator.

Before his death in 1986, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote what he called ‘the greatest book since the Bible.’ Understand the Bible with Mr. Armstrong’s final and most important book.

Before his death in 1986, Herbert W. Armstrong wrote what he called “the greatest book since the Bible.” Understand the Bible with Mr. Armstrong’s final and most important book.

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