Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

More than 2,500 years ago, the Prophet Habakkuk warned of nuclear winter in this end time. Yet he was filled with hope. How can you develop this hope in your life?

More than 2,500 years ago, the Prophet Habakkuk warned of nuclear winter in this end time. Yet he was filled with hope. How can you develop this hope in your life?

God prophesied of an Elijah type to strengthen physical families in this age. Who was he?

The end-time Elijah died in 1986. But God did not.

The end-time Elijah died in 1986. But God did not.

Herbert W. Armstrong wrote on seven fundamental mysteries that have long stumped mankind. Let’s examine the first two.

The Bible is a mystery to most people—even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Here is how to remove the mystery from the Bible.

The Bible is a mystery to most people—even religion doesn’t truly understand it! Here is how to remove the mystery from the Bible.

The Bible reveals the details of the conflict that will explode between the king of the north and the king of the south.

God mentions Jesus Christ’s capital city numerous times in the Bible. He even describes the capitol building itself.

America’s banking crisis will reshape Europe financially—and politically.

Learn more about the Gospel of John and its astounding relevance for every human on the face of the Earth.

America’s society is crumbling under the weight of domestic problems such as family breakdown, race riots and drug addiction. Why all these troubles?

God foretold America’s startling reluctance to use its power for good in this end time. As a result, Gentile powers will launch this world into the war that will end all wars.

America’s society is crumbling under the weight of domestic problems such as family breakdown, race riots and drug addiction. Why all these troubles?

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

What is the Day of the Lord, and how will it affect you? The books of Revelation, Joel and Zephaniah explain this prophecy—one of the most misunderstood in the Bible.

You need to know where God dwells in spirit here on Earth.

There is a physical house here on Earth that holds the key to frightening current events and to a brilliant future for all mankind. You MUST know where that house is today.

You need to know where God dwells in spirit here on Earth.

History teaches us what to expect now that Iran got the deal it sought over its nuclear program.

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