Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time immediately before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Find out when this shaking begins.

When Jesus Christ came the first time, He talked quite a lot about the ‘times of the Gentiles,’ which will be the greatest time of suffering ever on the Earth.

When Jesus Christ came the first time, He talked quite a lot about the ‘times of the Gentiles,’ which will be the greatest time of suffering ever on the Earth.

An important event just happened in Cyprus—and Germany is very much involved. According to Bible prophecy, this little island nation could be the point from which World War III is triggered.

This little nation is a linchpin for a biblically prophesied end-time alliance.

Russia’s President Putin is making some bold, dangerous moves. Does God have a specific message for him?

Obama says Russia is isolating itself from the world. At least 3 billion people disagree.

One of the most dramatic prophecies in the Bible is unfolding before our eyes.

What he remembers should bring shame to America and Germany!

What does Bible prophecy reveal about world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

King David of Israel was a man of God—and he was also a man of war. Yet today’s leaders of the modern nations of Israel are different than David. They will not fight for God.

King David of Israel was a man of God—and also a man of war. The leaders of the modern nations of Israel are not like David—they will not fight for God.

What is the significance of Passover? How should it be kept? Understanding Passover’s true meaning is essential to your eternal life.

What is the significance of Passover? How should it be kept? Understanding Passover’s true meaning is essential to your eternal life.

Many authorities say America is going the way of ancient Rome—but it’s worse than they fear. America is under attack from a real but invisible army.

Many authorities say America is going the way of ancient Rome—but it’s worse than they fear. America is under attack from a real but invisible army.

In the most important prophecy He uttered, Jesus Christ made an interesting digression that relates directly to the recent deal Western nations made with Iran over its nuclear program!

Russian President Vladimir Putin has strong views about the recent history of Yugoslavia. He believes his actions in Crimea are no different than the West’s actions in Yugoslavia.

Vladimir Putin has shocked the world by his invasion of Crimea, Ukraine. Europe greatly fears what Russia can and will do.

Vladimir Putin has shocked the world by his invasion of Crimea, Ukraine. Europe greatly fears what Russia can and will do.

China has announced to the world that it agrees with Russia’s invasion of Crimea in Ukraine.

China has announced to the world that it agrees with Russia’s invasion of Crimea in Ukraine.

Russia is rising up as a great superpower, and is causing the German-led EU to rise as well. We are living in the most dangerous time in man’s history!

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