Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

What is the cause of the recent severe weather? Is it global warming or something more? The Bible says that this severe weather is a sign that Christ is about to return!

Daniel 10:10 through Daniel 12 constitutes the single longest prophecy in the Bible. This amazing prophecy is being fulfilled in the Middle East today!

There is a purpose behind all this suffering.

Germany has Iran surrounded. One prophetic word—whirlwind—reveals how Germany’s military strategy is about to conquer Iran and rule the Middle East!

Your Bible says that Satan is the god of this world. Yet religious leaders hardly ever talk about Satan. Just who is Satan and what is he doing today? Is Satan a mystery to you?

Jesus Christ only gives one message to His Church in this end time, and that is the key of David message. This is the only message that He tells His very elect to deliver. The key of David message is one of the deepest truths in the entire Bible, and the more you understand it, the more it stirs your imagination and your inspiration for God’s Word.

Ninety percent of Bible prophecy is for this end time today. However, there is only a small number of people today who really understand Bible prophecy. God says in the Bible that you should prove all things. In order to prove all things you need to know and understand Bible prophecy.

We have taught for about 20 years that Germany was going to conquer Iran and radical Islam. But we’ve never taught you how it was going to happen. There’s just one little word in a prophecy of Daniel that shows us how Germany will conquer Iran and their allies.

The Old Testament book of Haggai is an end-time book. And in that book God says, “I will shake all nations.” The focus is on the time we’re living in today—a very dangerous time. We see a proliferation of nuclear weapons and nuclear missiles. Global economies are being wrecked. We see terrorist attacks. We see nations attacking other nations. People are fearful because God is shaking the nations. But why would God do that? What is His purpose? God has a purpose in everything He does.

Germany just conquered this island nation, seizing a crucial, strategic piece of real estate.

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