Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Ezekiel is an end-time book which talks about three great crises right at the very end. They are all tied together by God’s wrath. We’ve seen Hurricane Sandy do terrible damage. It is being called by many the worst storm to ever hit America. And did you know that it actually plays a role in these three end-time crises?

Hosea 5:13 is one of the most revealing prophecies in all the Bible. It is an end-time prophecy that contains a stunning secret that this world does not understand. It’s about America, Britain, and the Jewish nation in the Middle East. If you want to understand the foreign policy of these three countries, you have to understand this verse. It shows us why our foreign policy often goes astray.

One of the most important keys to understanding prophecy is knowing that it is dual. A theme of duality runs throughout the Bible. Get to know this key of duality and Bible prophecy will come alive for you.

Many confessing Christians speak often about Christ. Yet the Bible says Christ is a mystery to nearly all of mankind. Do you understand the mystery of Christ?

Pilate asked Christ, “What is truth?” Then Pilate killed Him. Most men don’t really want God’s truth. Do you?

Ezekiel is an end-time book which talks about three great crises right at the very end. They are all tied together by God’s wrath. We’ve seen Hurricane Sandy do terrible damage. It is being called by many the worst storm to ever hit America. And did you know that it actually plays a role in these three end-time crises?

Many people are discouraged about the U.S. presidential election. But they need to look at the bigger picture.

Do you know God? How can you be sure? Here is some practical help you need in order to truly know God.

Psalm 83 reveals an alliance of nations that will come against Israel—including America, Britain and the small nation of Israel in the Middle East. Such an alliance never happened anciently. This alliance is forming today!

In his epistle, James is addressing a problem within God’s first-century Church. However, James’s epistle is primarily prophecy for God’s true Church today, as well as the physical nations of modern Israel.

Why should a small nation like Jordan be mentioned so much in end-time prophecy? There are to be two prodigious battles before Christ gets here. Jordan is prominently mentioned in both of them! There is a vital reason why God’s loyal remnant is also closely tied to the nation of Jordan in these end-time prophecies.

Something very dramatic, alarming and prophetic happened in the last two or three weeks in the Middle East. The leaders of the U.S. and the western world are silent about what is happening. And yet this event is going to change the course of history in the Middle East!

God made an eternal promise to King David, but it also includes every person who has ever lived! This eternal promise is the greatest single mystery about the Bible.

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