Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

National Geographic recently featured an article entitled “What’s Up With the Weather?” They wrote that recent weather disasters, particularly in the U.S., are of an almost Biblical nature. Just what does your Bible say about recent these weather disasters?

The U.S. and Israel recently met to discuss Iran’s nuclear program. The result of this meeting was to give Iran more time. But giving Iran more time only brings the world closer to nuclear war! As prophecies advance toward the return of Christ, God the Father is getting His rulers ready to lead this world.

Are you also missing out because you have yet to discover this eye-opening fact?

The first part of our prophecy about Egypt has now been fulfilled!

The Middle East is exploding! We have prophesied for almost twenty years that Egypt would fall into that Iranian camp, and now it has done that precisely as we prophesied from your Bible. But now there is another problem in the Middle East that could cause a major catastrophe in this world, and that certainly includes the United States. It could be the deadliest mystery in the Middle East.

The UN admits that the rule of law is essential. But is America’s evolving constitution leading to societal chaos?

Christ said in Matthew 24 that an increase in natural disasters would be a sign of His imminent return. The last few years have yielded an increase in violent weather and earthquakes. What can we expect for 2012?

The prophet Isaiah gave a most inspiring and wonderful prophecy to us for this end time. He talked about the time that there would be “the voice” in all this religious confusion that would reveal the true God. It is up to us to “prove all things,” as God says, and find the voice that reveals the true God.

The Prophet Daniel foretold of a final, cataclysmic world war that would ring down the curtain on this present age of man. We are rapidly approaching the fulfillment of that prophecy! It tells us what lies in store for America and all nations on Earth!

Something very dramatic, alarming and prophetic happened in the last two or three weeks in the Middle East. The leaders of the U.S. and the western world are silent about what is happening. And yet this event is going to change the course of history in the Middle East!

The Hubble Telescope has sent back amazing pictures of the universe. Is there a purpose behind all that space? The Bible reveals that there is. In fact, it is closely linked with the very purpose for which God created human beings!

In Matthew 24 Christ gave the sign of His Second Coming. Do you know what this sign is?

The Bible speaks frequently about the splendor and majesty of Jesus Christ’s bride. Who is Christ’s bride and what is her purpose?

If we as a people don’t obey the rule of law, then we fall victim to the rule of man. This leads to the horrifying rule of brute force. Do you understand the rule of law?

Christ’s greatest warning to this world is found in Matthew 24. What makes it the greatest? It addresses the world’s greatest deception!

The eyes of the world are fixed on this explosive hot spot. Bashar Assad will be ousted shortly—but then what? You can actually know the outcome!

For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of the Bible. Now, these prophecies have come to pass with stunning accuracy!

God made an eternal promise to King David, but it also includes every person who has ever lived! This eternal promise is the greatest single mystery about the Bible.

Germany is using the financial crisis to regain control over Europe. Where is its power play leading?

The scepter promise is the most inspiring prophecy in the Bible! Do you understand this prophecy and who is proclaiming it today?

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