Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Paul faced many trials while in Caesarea. He also did many amazing works for God. What lessons can we learn from Paul in Caesarea?

On January 27, 2011, Key of David presenter Gerald Flurry warned viewers that Ethiopia would take a dramatic turn towards radical Islam. At the time Ethiopia appeared to be a solid nation with a stable government. Some viewers from Ethiopia even wrote in, saying that their nation would never turn to radical Islam. But now that is exactly what is happening!

How can you protect yourself and your family from today’s economic crisis? The Word of God gives you the key to financial success.

A preview of next week’s Key of David program, “Ethiopia in Prophecy”

The Bible is full of God’s promises of a Utopian world to come. This World Tomorrow will come to pass very soon!

The continued warring in the Middle East is prophesied to intensify. Here are three prophecies to watch in the months ahead.

The seven angels of Revelation 2 and 3 are a mystery to this world. However, God has revealed the meaning and significance of these angels.

John’s Gospel deals with the most profound subjects in the Bible. Christ personally prepared John to write this deepest of Gospels. How well do you understand the Gospel of John?

In Matthew 24, Christ’s disciples asked Him, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” What is this sign that indicates the end of the age?

In Matthew 24, Christ’s disciples asked Him, “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” What is this sign that indicates the end of the age?

For over 50 years, Herbert W. Armstrong taught the prophecies of the Bible. Now, these prophecies have come to pass with stunning accuracy!

In the book of Haggai, God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time. This shaking immediately precedes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! Find out when this shaking begins.

Britain is ashamed of its imperial past. It shouldn’t be. The right kind of empire has a noble and powerful impact on this world!

If you follow just one major news trend, make sure it is what is unfolding in this pivotal city.

Osama bin Laden is dead, and it seems like the whole world is discussing it. Is it possible his attack on the Twin Towers and his recent death are tied right in with Bible prophecy?

Why is there so much division in our country? Why is our economy failing? Why is the threat of war rampant on this Earth? Why are we at the point of no return?

Relying on a wealth of official documents and depositions submitted in federal courts, Raising the Ruins reveals the truth behind the shipwreck of the Worldwide Church of God and outlines the remarkable twists and turns of an unprecedented legal battle.

The plot is fulfilling a great Bible prophecy. It’s all about the European Union superpower being hijacked!

What is the cause of the recent severe weather? Is it global warming or something more? The Bible says that this severe weather is a sign that Christ is about to return!

Both Isaiah and the Apostle John refer to three voices—or men—that God speaks through. John the Baptist was the first voice. The two other men have come on the scene in this end time! Can you recognize the voice of God being delivered through one man today?

Each year, thousands of students graduate from colleges all over the world. Yet, what type of education have they received? Many have learned valuable skills that will propel them into productive careers, but are they learning how to really live? Are they learning how to solve this world’s mounting problems or the problems in their own lives?

The Bible is specific about events that will lead directly to the return of Jesus Christ. Once you know the biblical identities of modern nations, current events fit together into prophecy like pieces of a puzzle. Russia and China are two very big pieces of this puzzle. Soon, Russia and China will amass an army of 200 million men. Does that sound incredible? Your Bible says it will happen—and soon!

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