Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

God Himself is behind the rise of Germany. This is talked about in Revelation 17:7. Why would God be behind this nation’s rise?

The king of the north and king of the south are rapidly coming to power just as God prophesied in Daniel. At the same time, God is giving His work an open door to proclaim His prophetic message. Do you recognize this open door?

Abraham displayed the living faith of Jesus Christ and was greatly blessed by God. This type of faith will empower your life in amazing ways. You can have living faith!

The recent unrest in Egypt highlights that Israel has many enemy nation-states surrounding it. What has caused this great turning point in the Middle East?

The Middle East has exploded in violence! Where is the current unrest leading? Daniel 11 shows how these current events are fulfilling Bible prophecy!

America and Britain are in grave danger today because most of our watchmen are blind. Here’s why.

To our Founding Fathers, character meant everything to the success of the nation and its leadership. Where did they get that idea? And what does it mean if we have strayed from that ideal today?

Christ came to Earth to declare the Father—the God Family. Here is the only message that will fill us with hope. It is the true gospel that mankind has never understood.

Both Isaiah and the Apostle John refer to three voices—or men—that God speaks through. John the Baptist was the first voice. The two other men have come on the scene in this end time! Can you recognize the voice of God being delivered through one man today?

The Prophet Jeremiah wrote the book of Lamentations. This book poetically describes the worst suffering in history—suffering that is about to descend upon mankind.

Most people think the crusades for Jerusalem are a thing of the past—over forever. They are wrong. Preparations are being made for a final crusade, and it will be the bloodiest of all! The exceedingly good news is this: The world will never again see a bloody crusade for Jerusalem. And nothing is more important than your understanding why!

The crown of Charlemagne holds great significance for many Europeans. Yet Charlemagne caused much destruction and death. Charlemagne’s legacy is tied to Adolf Hitler and Mussolini, two European dictators who also placed much emphasis on the crown of Charlemagne. One last leader of the Holy Roman Empire is about to rise and lead Europe into this Earth’s final war.

For what reason did Christ found the Church of God? Can you find this one true church today?

The nature of God is a mystery to mankind. Christ’s true gospel message has also been lost from view. Christ came to reveal His Father. In so doing, Christ’s gospel message also revealed the nature of God and the astonishing truth that mankind will be born into the Family of God!

The book of Revelation talks about the great multitude—a multitude that man could not even number. It was an “innumerable” multitude. And why is that so important to you?

A Thanksgiving reminder from one of America’s greatest presidents.

The art of making unforgettable scenes.

The popular theory of evolution destroys the understanding of man’s incredible human potential. Man did not descend from animals, but was created to be born into the God Family!

Many confessing Christians speak often about Christ. Yet the Bible says Christ is a mystery to nearly all of mankind. Do you understand the mystery of Christ?

The Apostle Peter said he loved Christ. Yet in a severe trial, Peter denied Him three times. How deep is your love for Christ?

What is the secret to understanding Bible prophecy?

We named our television program The Key of David. We did so because this key unlocks the greatest vision in the Bible. Understanding this vision will motivate you to overcome your trials and tests—and rejoice as you do so!

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