Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

This prophetic book has only now been fully understood! The book of Zechariah contains prophecy about two end-time churches of God. One church is doing God’s Work. It is even prophesied to build a majestic physical house for God, which is now finished, so anybody can see it. It is a symbol of fulfilled prophecy, which proves that God’s master plan always prevails. That royal house is also a symbol of endless hope. God’s government rules that house and is about to rule all mankind and bring us joy forever. The other church, which is Laodicean, fails in its commission to do God’s Work. The key to understanding these churches is a flying scroll. It shows us what God is doing today and where it is all leading.

Homosexuality destroys that vision, which is man’s only hope.

The Bible speaks frequently about the splendor and majesty of Jesus Christ’s bride. Who is Christ’s bride and what is her purpose?

Revelation 12 prophesies that Satan would be cast down to this Earth. When did this occur? What did Satan do at that time? What is he about to do?

The Key of David vision is the greatest vision in all the Bible! This vision provides the only hope for mankind. How well do you understand the Key of David vision?

Be honest: Political parties offer only dead hope. You need better!

Do you know God? How can you be sure? Here is some practical help you need in order to truly know God.

A painful lesson for ancient Israel that we should never forget.

The Prophet Amos spoke about a secret—God’s secret. What is that secret, and what does it mean for you?

Does the Bible establish whether we are to keep certain days holy to God? Were these days given to ancient Israel only? The biblical answers may shock you!

Islamic terrorist groups have threatened to attack Germany. This continual push of terrorism will help lead to a clash between these two power blocs!

The Prophet Daniel foretold of a final, cataclysmic world war that would ring down the curtain on this present age of man. We are rapidly approaching the fulfillment of that prophecy! It tells us what lies in store for America and all nations on Earth!

Iran continues to develop its nuclear program despite international protest. It is intentionally pursuing a confrontational policy to provoke a battle against Europe and the West. How will this explosive situation end?

In the book of Haggai, God reveals that He will shake the nations at a specific time. This shaking immediately precedes the Second Coming of Jesus Christ! Find out when this shaking begins.

The Bible is full of God’s promises of a Utopian world to come. This World Tomorrow will come to pass very soon!

Germany is using the financial crisis to regain control over Europe. Where is its power play leading?

It’s positively astounding! It has remained undiscovered by science! No religion has revealed it! Higher education has never taught it! Is it possible the whole world has been deceived—regarding the awesome PURPOSE of human life—about the WAY to world peace and how it will come?

Can increased knowledge save mankind? The answer is yes! But what kind of knowledge? Mankind must find and answer the missing question in education.

Who or what is the “beast” of the book of Revelation? What does biblical prophecy reveal about world events now leading to Armageddon and the end of this age?

Why is there so much division in our country? Why is our economy failing? Why is the threat of war rampant on this Earth? Why are we at the point of no return?

When Herbert W. Armstrong died in 1986, he left an impressive worldwide work: The church he founded broadcast on over 400 television stations and published a news magazine for over 8 million subscribers. What truly distinguished these achievements was that they were built with living faith. What is living faith, and how can you obtain it?

The Apostle Peter wrote about real hope in his epistles, even as he was about to be crucified. What is this real hope and how can you have it in your life?

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