Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Pope John Paul II famously encouraged Europeans to “find your roots!” They have accepted the challenge.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently apologized to Israel for the Holocaust of World War II. These comments were very noble—but do the German people agree with her? And is the pope sorry for the Holocaust?

Where does it come from—and how do we conquer it?

Israel is facing its greatest crisis since being founded in 1948. Its survival as a nation is at stake. It can survive only if Israelis return to their roots.

Since becoming pope in 2005, Benedict has avoided giving a speech like Angela Merkel’s recent address in the Knesset. Why?

Do you know God? How can you be sure? Here is some practical help you need in order to truly know God.

Jerusalem means “city of peace,” yet this city’s history has been filled with rivers of blood! But there is very good news. God established Jerusalem to be a city of peace—and will soon make sure it becomes so!

It poses a greater threat to humanity than the hydrogen bomb.

God prophesies in the book of Daniel about a coming clash between two world powers. The world war they provoke will be stopped by the return of Jesus Christ! Only a small group of people understands and proclaims this message today. Do you understand this mysterious message?

Israel is facing its greatest crisis since being founded in 1948. Its survival as a nation is at stake. It can survive only if Israelis return to their roots.

Why we’ve been saying for 13 years that this would happen

Israel was once a little nation filled with miracles. Why have those miracles ceased? Read a slice of history that reveals the only way to bring peace to the Middle East.

The Bible is specific about events that will lead directly to the return of Jesus Christ. Once you know the biblical identities of modern nations, current events fit together into prophecy like pieces of a puzzle. Russia and China are two very big pieces of this puzzle. Soon, Russia and China will amass an army of 200 million men. Does that sound incredible? Your Bible says it will happen—and soon!

One of the most important yet overlooked keys to child rearing

The book of Revelation mentions a little book that was to be revealed by God just before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. This book has been revealed, and its contents will affect every person on Earth!

In World War II, Britain’s prime minister dreamed of making peace with Hitler. Today, the U.S. has the same fantasy.

U.S. intelligence says Iran is not trying to develop nuclear weapons, despite much evidence to the contrary. Many blindly hope Iran wants peace, even though Iran has publicly stated its intention to wipe Israel off the map and calls America the “great Satan.” Christ prophesied of a global nuclear war. What part does Iran play in the fulfillment of this sure prophecy?

Learning lessons from great leaders of the past is critical to our national well-being.

What is building in Iran now will play a part in fulfilling the most important single prophecy in the Bible.

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