Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Even after repeated failures, the former president’s policies for peace continue to thrive within policy-making circles.

One of the most misunderstood parts of the Bible is in the book of Genesis. Chapters 1-3 discuss the creation of man and the two trees. Do you understand that the two trees explain two different ways of life—one leading to all the problems on Earth today, and the other leading to eternal life?

The media have a terrible history of being deceived by dangerous tyrants seeking to plunge the world into chaos.

The FARS news agency reported that Key of David presenter Gerald Flurry has forecast for over 13 years that Egypt would ally itself with Iran. Now this is coming to pass, and FARS is amazed. How did Gerald Flurry know this?

Is the U.S. about to repeat the blunder it made in 1979?

Remembering an inspiring event in recent history that—even if only for a moment—unified the whole world.

A prophecy we have been proclaiming for more than a decade is referred to by a popular Middle East news website.

Revelation 13 talks about a beast power that is soon to plunge the world into one final war. This beast has almost fully risen today! Do you recognize the beast of Revelation 13?

What is happening in Kosovo reaches far beyond the Balkans. It is so shocking that the nations of this world would be paralyzed with fear if they truly understood! Shamefully, America is its chief architect.

We face a world explosion far more spectacular than World War II. But we have not learned from the historical lessons of that war. Today, we are again surrendering to evil tyrants.

The Holy Roman Empire is not just ancient history. In fact, it is rising again in Europe! Did you realize that your Bible prophesied it would do so? It is destined to plunge the world into World War III!

The disastrous Annapolis “peace” conference—whose aftershocks will be felt for some time—point to an obvious historical parallel.

God speaks through one man and a supporting work in this end time. Do you know where God’s voice is? Scripture says those who support it will receive God’s protection from the times of trouble just ahead!

The current crisis in Pakistan bears striking similarities to the situation in Iran in 1979, and is loaded with dangerous potential! The Bible prophesies of this and other such serious events, and God always speaks through an individual to warn about them. Do you recognize God’s voice?

In Australia, voters just elected a leader who is more serious about fighting “global warming” than Islamic terrorism. At Annapolis, Western leaders are about to talk “peace” with state sponsors of terror. Clearly, the United States and the nations of the once-great British Commonwealth have not learned the profound lesson of World War II.

The Vatican and Germany already have a disturbing level of control over the European Union. The religious and political sides of the resurrection of an ancient empire are forming fast.

Is the United States about to make the same disastrous foreign-policy blunder it made in 1979?

Fatherhood is losing a place in today’s family structure. Yet the role of the father is the most important role in the family—and family is the foundation of any strong nation. You’ll be amazed what God has to say about the role of the father.

Remembering an inspiring event in recent history that—even if only for a moment—unified the whole world.

Two major prophecies—one in the Old Testament and one in the New Testament—point to a man coming in the spirit and power of Elijah just before the return of Jesus Christ. Do you know who this man was and what he taught?

Jesus Christ said He would build a Church that would never die. Where is the Church He established? If you search using the guidelines of Revelation 3, you can find God’s true Church!

Catastrophic wildfires, multi-year droughts, out-of-control deficits. Why is this happening to the Golden State? The answer will surprise you.

Israel recently took out a nuclear target in Syria. This operation was so secret that almost no information was given to the media. What did Israel destroy, and where are these events leading?

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