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The Iran Intelligence Report: A Giant Step Toward World War III


The Iran Intelligence Report: A Giant Step Toward World War III

We face a world explosion far more spectacular than World War II. But we have not learned from the historical lessons of that war. Today, we are again surrendering to evil tyrants.

We live in the most dangerous times ever. And they are getting much more dangerous every day. At the same time, most people are afraid to face reality—even though that frightening reality is a sign of the best news we could ever imagine.

Americans prefer to live in a fantasy world like the one portrayed in the recent intelligence report on Iran. Like little children, far too many Americans hide from the ugly and dangerous truth.

Indirectly, America has just announced to the world that we lack the will to ever stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. That is what the National Intelligence Estimate (nie) was all about. It was released this month to a stunned world.

Iran is the number-one terrorist-sponsoring nation in the world—by far. The Israeli intelligence network is probably the best in this world. Israel estimates that Iran will have nuclear bombs within two years—a radically different view than the nie report.

When Iran gets nuclear weapons, it is more likely to start a nuclear World War iii than any nation on Earth. President Ahmadinejad already said he would wipe Israel off the map. That is not the kind of mind that diplomacy is going to change. The terrorists of Hezbollah and Hamas control southern Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. They are sponsored and controlled by Iran. They frequently attack Israel without being provoked. How much more dangerous will this world be if they get nuclear weapons?

Well-meaning but weak-willed, dangerous peaceniks (what Winston Churchill called them) in politics and the media helped and encouraged Adolf Hitler to start World War ii. He could have easily been stopped in the early years. Weak leaders said diplomacy would work. But diplomacy only paved the way for Hitler’s causing the death of 50 million people. Winston Churchill stood alone, warning of the coming catastrophe. Many people called him a warmonger—until they came to see he was right.

We are repeating the same distressing, inexcusable error today. When the peaceniks get control, surrender and war are almost certain tofollowrapidly! That is especially true in peace-loving nations like America, Britain and Israel today.

Peaceniks offer virtually no resistance to tyrants and even encourage them in their warring spirit. Maybe we should start calling these people who seek peace at any price warmongers! History would certainly justify such a label.

Here is what Churchill said after his long warning in the 1930s and shortly before World War ii began (Martin Gilbert, Biography of Winston Churchill,Volume 5: Prophet of Truth; emphasis mine throughout):

When the situation was manageable it was neglected, and now that it is thoroughly out of hand we apply too late the remedies which then might have effected a cure.There is nothing new in the story. It is as old as the Sibylline books. It falls into that long, dismal catalogue of the fruitlessness of experience and the confirmed unteachability of mankind. Want of foresight, unwillingness to act when action would be simple and effective, lack of clear thinking, confusion of counsel until the emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong—these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.

Churchill was a high-level government official before and during World War i. The government he served made terrible mistakes shortly before and during that war. Mr. Churchill was horrified to see the same mistakes being repeated in the 1930s and during World War ii. The Western world scoffed at his warning of a coming world explosion.

Several reputable historians state that Germany came dangerously close to winning World War ii.

We are making the same tragic mistakes today that were made in those two world wars. Here is a report from the New Republic, December 6, by Yossi Klein Halevi, after the Iran intelligence report was released:

America, even under George Bush, is hardly likely to go to war to stop a program many Americans now believe doesn’t exist.Until now, pessimists here could console themselves that a last-resort Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities would likely draw wide international sympathy and even gratitude—very different from the near-total condemnation that greeted Israel’s attack on Saddam’s reactor in 1981. Now, though, the nie will ensure that if Israel does attack, it will be widely branded a warmonger, and faulted for the inevitable fallout of rising oil prices and increased terror.The sense of betrayal within the Israeli security system is deep. After all, Israel’s great achievement in its struggle against Iran was in convincing the international community that the nuclear threat was real; now that victory has been undone—not by Russia or the European Union, but by Israel’s closest ally.What makes Israeli security officials especially furious is that the report casts doubt on Iranian determination to attain nuclear weapons. [The report offers absolutely no evidence to support such a view, which could lead to such deadly consequences!] There is a sense of incredulity here: Do we really need to argue the urgency of the threat all over again? The Israeli strategists I heard from ridicule the report’s contention that “Tehran’s decisions are guided by a cost-benefit approach rather than a rush to a weapon irrespective of the political, economic and military costs.” Is it, asks one Israeli analyst sarcastically, a cost-benefit approach for one of the world’s largest oil exporters to risk international sanctions and economic ruin for the sake of a peaceful nuclear program?

Anybody who doesn’t think Iran has a crash program to build nuclear weapons is simply refusing to face the truth. Weak-willed people make deadly mistakes from which a nation may not recover—especially in this nuclear age. It’s the same old story. History keeps repeating itself.

That intelligence report did betray Israel. But it also betrayed the American people! It has caused them to relax and believe there is no immediate threat. It’s the Hitler scenario all over again, this time with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

We should have learned from Hitler that our “peace” making is fostering a nuclear World War iii. If we think we can do nothing and somehow escape the raging danger, we are thinking like children! When a nuclear war starts, the whole world is going to be dragged into the fiery furnace.

It isn’t that we can’t see the danger. We refuse to face it, hoping it will somehow go away. Instead, we make the problem a thousand times worse.

Winston Churchill called it the “confirmed unteachability of mankind.” He said “these are the features which constitute the endless repetition of history.”

When will we ever learn?

Churchill experienced World Wars i and ii. He served as a watchman in both world wars—especially World War ii. But we have learned nothing from his vast experience and warnings. That means we are going to suffer as no people ever have by refusing to learn the truth.

Here is another powerful quote from the New Republic:

Nor do senior analysts here take seriously the nie’s vague assessments of when Iran will reach the point of no return: beginning in 2010, it says, though not likely until 2013 or even 2015. Israel’s point of no return is when Iran attains the potential to produce sufficient fissile material for making a bomb. And they believe that is likely to happen—barring continued mishaps, accidental or not, in the Iranian nuclear program, like exploding centrifuges—somewhere within the next two years.Once the material is available, the final step toward constructing a bomb is the least complicated part of the process. “Making bombs is a much shorter process than uranium enrichment,” explains Ephraim Asculai, a senior research fellow at the Institute for National Security Studies and a 40-year veteran of the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. “Today the Iranians are enriching uranium at 4 percent; to make a bomb, you need 90 percent. From there, the transition doesn’t require a lot of time. Most of the work has been done to get to the 4 percent. It is a matter of months, not years.

We should be thinking in terms of months, not years! However, major media outlets are picturing this as another intelligence blunder by the Bush administration. They are helping their political party win elections. They are also causing far-reaching damage to America.

Politics are being placed above the welfare of our nation. That portends a black, foreboding future for America. These are the most dangerous times in our history. We can’t afford such terrifying blunders if we are to survive as a nation.

Churchill kept crying out as a voice in the wilderness of political confusion. There was still a possibility, Churchill believed, of preserving peace. “Never must we despair,” he said, “never must we give in, but we must face facts and draw true conclusions from them.” It was now essential for Britain to retrieve “the woeful miscalculations of which we are at present the dupes, and of which, unless we take warning in time, we may some day be the victims” (op. cit.).

We are not facing the facts. Our people are being duped by leaders who want to hear “smooth things” in a world filled with unparalleled dangers.

Churchill continued: “Terrible preparations are being made on all sides for war,” and he added: “I do not feel that people realize at all how near and how grave are the dangers of a world explosion. Some regard the scene with perfect equanimity; many gape stolidly upon it, some are angry to be disturbed by such thoughts in their daily routine and pleasures” (ibid.).

Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin later admitted that he put his own political interest ahead of the nation’s welfare! And his country came perilously close to death. The people wouldn’t face Churchill’s warning until it was almost too late. He talked about the possible “end” of Britain’s glories. But the people did not want to think about the bloody dangers of a world explosion. They didn’t want to be disturbed from their comfortable routine and pleasures. So they voted for politicians who spoke to them about more pleasures and a prosperous world.

The same is true today. We face a far more spectacular world explosion. But we are too glutted on sports and entertainment to heed a strong warning. As Churchill said, history continues to repeat itself! We have not learned from the historical lessons of World War ii. Today, we are again surrendering to evil tyrants.

Ehud Olmert has said that Israel was “tired of fighting.” America has the same sickness. It is a fatal disease to have in a world where you have so many powerful enemies.

Again, let’s hearken back to World War ii. France surrendered to Germany in six weeks. There were many reasons why France should have continued to fight. But its government was led by men with no will to fight. Charles de Gaulle was the only real leader in the higher echelon of government. But other leaders fought to keep him out of power.

Would there even be a France today if it weren’t for Winston Churchill’s fighting spirit?

There are over a hundred prophecies in your Bible that tell us we are getting extremely close to the best news you can ever imagine! You can prove every one of those scriptures. You can also live to see every one of them fulfilled.

Is there any hope? Yes there is! There is hope in ascertaining why America, Britain and Israel have a broken will. It was prophesied in the book of Daniel and other places (Daniel 9:10-14; Leviticus 26:19). Daniel didn’t even understand what he wrote. The biblical book of Daniel is an end-time book—it was written for us today. Request a free copy of our booklet Daniel—Unsealed at Last! The Prophet Daniel tells us that we can shine like the stars forever and ever if we face the truth.

In the meantime, all we have to do is sit back and wait for Iran to test its first nuclear bomb. I feel strongly that we won’t have long to wait. Then all of the childish fantasies will quickly disappear.

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