Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Israel’s inexplicable trust in Germany is growing. The Bible shows clearly that the outcome of this misplaced trust is Israel’s destruction—followed by the return of Jesus Christ.

The odds against Israel are greater than people realize. But there is still a way to resolve the present conflict.

Iran is about to get nuclear bombs, and its leaders believe a nuclear war will speed the return of their version of the Messiah. They are eager for international crisis—and they are going to get it.

On Memorial Day in the United States, we remember the sacrifices of our soldiers. Today we are in danger of losing perhaps America’s most noble achievement!

What is really at stake in the Iranian nuclear crisis? Ultimately, human survival. Can our leaders face up to this fact?

As Iran and other Islamic governments in the Middle East close in on Israel, it’s quite possible we could see a rightward shift in Israeli politics.

If you have ever been associated with the Worldwide Church of God or one of its offshoots, I ask you to prayerfully read this letter.

This year could bring major changes to the Middle East. The most dramatic will likely involve the Jews losing East Jerusalem—an event to watch for as Israeli elections approach in March.

Many colleges and universities no longer require students to take history. They don’t think it has much value. But they are making a deadly mistake of the greatest magnitude! We need to understand why.

Is it rational to believe in God? Can God’s existence be scientifically proven? Where did the first life come from? In this program, Gerald Flurry proves that God does indeed exist!

Skeptics say the Bible is merely a collection of ancient writings, largely based on superstition and fables. One biblical account, the history of Noah and the great Flood, recently came under fire by such skeptics. Have YOU ever stopped to PROVE whether the Bible — including its histories and prophecies — is the divinely inspired Word of God? Does the Bible speak with any AUTHORITY? This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Presenter Gerald Flurry offers PROOF of the Bible.

Hurricane Katrina caused widespread damage and destruction to the southern United States. Why would God allow this to happen? Some religious leaders say you can’t understand evil—but the Bible says you can. Next week on the Key of David, Gerald Flurry shows why Hurricane Katrina is not a mystery.

This world is rapidly moving toward another World War. Did you know the Bible prophesies that there will be a World War III? It will be the last war ever fought on this planet. When it is over, the inhabitants of this Earth will never see another war! This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry discusses the King of the North and World War III.

Jesus Christ wept for Jerusalem when He was on this Earth. Why? Almost nobody understands the reason today. Yet understanding why He wept has never been more vital! This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry takes a closer look at why we must watch Jerusalem.

A covenant is an official agreement between two parties. When God makes a covenant with man, no man can change or stop what God plans to do. God made a covenant to ensure that a human ruler would sit on King David’s throne continually until the return of Jesus Christ. God also made a covenant to ensure that His message concerning the “key of David” was taught perpetually. These two covenants — each of which, and especially the latter covenant, are virtually unknown to most today — have everything to do with the awesome future of mankind! This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry reveals the “hidden” covenant.

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