Editor in Chief

Gerald Flurry

Gerald Flurry founded the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine in 1990. He actively serves as an author and as editor in chief. Gerald Flurry also presents the Key of David television program and serves as Pastor General of the Philadelphia Church of God.

Millions lack faith to receive answers to their prayers — to free their minds from fears and worries. To a large extent this is due to lack of understanding what faith is. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry gives a simple but thorough explanation of the subject.

The crown of Charlemagne holds great significance for many Europeans. Yet Charlemagne caused much destruction and death. Charlemagne’s legacy is tied to Adolph Hitler and Mussolini, two European dictators who also placed much emphasis on the crown of Charlemagne. One last leader of the Holy Roman Empire is about to rise and lead Europe into this Earth’s final war. This week on the Key of David, Gerald Flurry looks at the history and prophecy concerning the crown of Charlemagne and the Holy Roman Empire.

Most religious people believe they are born again. This belief doesn’t square with Christ’s teaching in the Bible. This week on the KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry sheds light on the “born again” mystery.

Many authorities say that World War II was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century. But an even worse tragedy was that we failed to learn from Winston Churchill’s warning before that war. Future events will prove this statement true.

NASA wants to send a team of people to Mars. But ironically mankind has yet to solve his many problems here on earth. God wants man to go out to the entire universe, but only after we learn how to live successfully on this earth. This week on the Key of David, Gerald Flurry discusses God’s space program.

The lesson each of us must learn from the tsunami

Today we hear many academic voices telling us that learning history is of little or no value. Yet, there is a law of history that tells us if we fail to learn from history, we are destined to repeat it. At the same time, if we learn from our past, we can be better prepared to face the future. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry discusses the importance of learning from history.

Man was put on Earth by the Creator God for a specific purpose, and that purpose directly involves ruling the universe. But man is only able to achieve his ultimate potential by developing the character of God. This week on The Key of David, Gerald Flurry explains God’s transcendental purpose for mankind, this Earth and the entire universe.

Did you ever ask yourself, Who am I?, What am I? Or Why am I? You are a mystery. Man’s purpose in this world is a mystery and it’s not understood by higher education, science or even religion. This week on The Key of David, Gerald Flurry will explain man’s purpose here on Earth.

God says in the book of Jeremiah that in these last days, Jeremiah’s writings would be understood. This should be the major headline of every news source! However, most do not understand Jeremiah – but you can understand! God promised to reveal the meaning of this book – and so He has. Now this understanding is being given to you! This week on the Key of David, Gerald Flurry provides further insight into the book of Jeremiah.

America, Britain and their allies are presently in a war against terrorism. It’s going to be a long, hard war. Can they achieve victory? Or will they be defeated? There are sobering answers to these questions, and they are found in both history and Bible prophecy! This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry discusses the ongoing war against terrorism.

Does it make any difference which day we observe as the Sabbath, or whether we keep it at all? Does the Bible establish Sunday as the Lord’s Day? Was the Sabbath given for the Jewish people only, while Christians are commanded to keep Sunday as the Lord’s Day? This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry reveals the truth about the Christian Sabbath.

God raised up Israel to be His chosen people anciently. The Bible is primarily a book about Israel. This nation was selected for a special purpose, but that purpose remains a mystery to the world. The modern identity of the tribes of Israel also remains a mystery. This week on THE KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry unlocks the mystery of Israel.

Is marriage on the way out? Is adultery wrong? Is the institution of the home, with its family life, to disappear from our society? How and when did the institution of marriage originate? Does it, after all, serve any necessary purpose? This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry sheds light on the marriage institution, the home, and family life — and reveals a shocking truth which has been altogether overlooked by science, by religion, by education and by society!

Lucifer was one of only three archangels mentioned in the Bible. He was one of the highest-ranking angels God created, if not the highest. His prestigious position was that of a covering cherub, and he directly served at God’s throne. Yet, despite the wonderful opportunity he was given, he rebelled and became God’s adversary — Satan the devil! On this week’s episode of The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry reveals the mystery of Satan.

What is God doing on this Earth? We cannot understand the answer to this question unless we can understand why the Church exists. God works through His true Church and He reveals to the Church what is His ultimate purpose here below. This week on The KEY OF DAVID, Gerald Flurry will reveal the purpose of the true Church.

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