Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Iran’s grand entrance back on the world stage starts with kidnapping three Americans.

Few people understand what the word ‘apocalypse’ actually means.

President Obama has officially befriended America’s mortal enemy.

What happened to the work of Herbert W. Armstrong?

What happened to the work of Herbert W. Armstrong?

Throughout the Bible, we are warned to remember—to learn from the lessons of the past.

This is not the new year Germany anticipated for 2016

God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.

God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.

How the example of King Hezekiah teaches us to look to God in times of trial

How the example of King Hezekiah teaches us to look to God in times of trial

A look back at the six-year fight over distributing Herbert Armstrong’s greatest work

One of the best-known, most prominent religious leaders of the 20th century

People seldom stop to ask why they believe the things they do.

God will not do for us what we can do for ourselves.

Two years on from the infamous “red lines” incident, America once again goes back on its word.

One of the best-known, most prominent religious leaders of the 20th century

How is it the Democrats got their way in a Republican controlled Congress?

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