Executive Editor

Stephen Flurry

Police call in the federal government to help prevent the city from turning into a war zone.

Look at what our abortion culture is doing to us.

The hunt is on for Cecil the Lion’s cold-blooded killer. With all the outrageous things going on, this is what outrages people?

Most answer with ‘Who can say?’ But that is a dangerous perspective.

From the very beginning, God’s Church has been in a war for its life.

The hunt is on for Cecil the Lion’s cold-blooded killer.

Ministry of Defense slashes 20,000 jobs in five years.

From the very beginning, God’s Church has been in a war for its life.

Education starts with fathers turning their hearts to their children—and children turning their hearts to their father.

It’s worse than we thought.

The amount of U.S. concessions being given to brutal dictatorships is mind-boggling.

Nuclear deal solidifies Iran’s position as regional hegemon.

If we know God’s will and strive to obey His voice, believing prayer really does get results!

The Obama administration intensifies efforts to fundamentally transform the criminal, social, racial and economic systems of justice.

Administration officials respond to criticism over nuke deal.

God raised up Israel as His chosen nation for a special service preparatory for the Kingdom of God.

There is a reason why human beings keep making the same mistakes.

The way that Greece has been manhandled this past week is exposing a new Germany.

Nuclear deal makes it official—the United States has ceded control of the Middle East to the Islamic Republic of Iran.

These are staggering turns in world events.

It’s an example that should have been held up for the whole nation to see.

Are you running your best in this spiritual race?

Bay area’s ‘sanctuary’ policy allows illegal alien felon to murder young woman.

Could the Bible ignore the world’s greatest superpower—or the most dominant empire in history?

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